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Understanding Pattern Rules

From: james
Subject: Understanding Pattern Rules
Date: Tue, 05 May 2015 07:49:45 -0700
User-agent: Roundcube Webmail/1.1-git


I am a newcomer to writing my own Makefiles, and I am trying to learn how to work with pattern rules. To perform some testing, I have written the following simple Makefile:

-- Makefile --
file.out: %.cached
        cat $^ > file.out

%.cached: %.src
        cp $? $@

I am executing this file in a directory with the following files

$ find -type f

When I execute make, I get the following error.

$ make
make: *** No rule to make target '%.cached', needed by 'file.out'. Stop.

I am confused by this, because I can plainly see that I wrote a rule for the target '%.cached'. Based on my reading of the manual page and examples I've seen in various places, it seems like prerequisites which are patterns must match files which already exist on the filesystem, and will not match to a corresponding Makefile rule.

My question then becomes, is there a way which I can express implicit prerequisites which are defined as targets elsewhere in the Makefile, rather than having to have implicit prerequisites match files which already exist on the filesystem?

Thanks in advance for any pointers!

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