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Re: I heard peope say make is slow and recursive make is harmful

From: Tim Murphy
Subject: Re: I heard peope say make is slow and recursive make is harmful
Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2023 15:51:13 +0000

There are lots of factors and answers tend to need lots of qualifications.

With a small project you get certain situations and with larger projects
other factors start to dominate.

To go fast you want to keep your computer's, or computer cluster's,
processor cores as busy as possible and your storage as busy as possible
with useful work. If you overload any resources, however, that can also
introduce inefficiency (like RAM).

The natural dependency structure of your build can be helpful for
parallelism or it can block it.   If the natural dependencies allow lots of
jobs to be done in parallel then you can run a fast build but sometimes the
recursive structure prevents this even when it is possible.  There's no
rule - sometimes recursive make doesn't have any big impact.  You won't
really notice this in a small build or in a build with few processor cores.

I was one of the creators of a NON-recursive build system based on make
because we read that same paper about recursive make being harmful. In some
cases our system was very good at keeping the processors busy and building
fast but we made a mistake (I did):  The makefiles were quite big and could
not be read in parallel by make and they were complicated.  For this reason
it took quite a long time just to generate the makefiles and for make to
load the makefiles.   Eventually this time was the last thing that was slow
about our build.

Your example is so small and the source files so small that I don't think
any of these effects really matter.   They might when your build gets large.



On Tue, 7 Mar 2023 at 06:29, ljh via Users list for the GNU implementation
of make <> wrote:

> I split my project into modules, eg. main, foo.
> The main module calls foo which is shared object library.
> If I change the foo.c (not the interface foo.h),&nbsp;
> only foo.c is compiled and foo is linked.
> So, is not what people say a matter of project organization?
> $ pwd
> /home/ljh/Documents/hello_makefile_OutOfSRC/src
> $ ls
> foo &nbsp;main &nbsp;Makefile
> $
> $ tree --charset C
> .
> |-- foo
> | &nbsp; |-- foo.c
> | &nbsp; |-- foo.h
> | &nbsp; `-- Makefile
> |-- main
> | &nbsp; |-- main.c
> | &nbsp; `-- Makefile
> `-- Makefile
> $&nbsp;
> $ make&nbsp;
> make[1]: Entering directory
> '/home/ljh/Documents/hello_makefile_OutOfSRC/src/foo'
> make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
> make[1]: Leaving directory
> '/home/ljh/Documents/hello_makefile_OutOfSRC/src/foo'
> make[1]: Entering directory
> '/home/ljh/Documents/hello_makefile_OutOfSRC/src/main'
> make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
> make[1]: Leaving directory
> '/home/ljh/Documents/hello_makefile_OutOfSRC/src/main'
> $&nbsp;
> $ touch foo/foo.c&nbsp;
> $ make&nbsp;
> make[1]: Entering directory
> '/home/ljh/Documents/hello_makefile_OutOfSRC/src/foo'
> cc -fPIC &nbsp;-g &nbsp;-MMD -MP &nbsp;-c -o
> /home/ljh/Documents/hello_makefile_OutOfSRC/src/build/foo/foo.o foo.c
> cc -shared
> &nbsp;-Wl,-rpath,/home/ljh/Documents/hello_makefile_OutOfSRC/src/build/bar
> -Wl,-rpath,'$ORIGIN/../lib' -Wl,-soname, -fsanitize=address
> /home/ljh/Documents/hello_makefile_OutOfSRC/src/build/foo/foo.o &nbsp;-o
> /home/ljh/Documents/hello_makefile_OutOfSRC/src/build/foo/foo
> make[1]: Leaving directory
> '/home/ljh/Documents/hello_makefile_OutOfSRC/src/foo'
> make[1]: Entering directory
> '/home/ljh/Documents/hello_makefile_OutOfSRC/src/main'
> make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
> make[1]: Leaving directory
> '/home/ljh/Documents/hello_makefile_OutOfSRC/src/main'
> $&nbsp;

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