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Re: How to compile with --enable-nanorc?

From: flomanstrategy
Subject: Re: How to compile with --enable-nanorc?
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2019 19:18:10 +0100

alright thank you, i decided to install in /usr/bin seems easier for me and less troublesome

I chose 2.9.8 because it has some extra features, I don't remember exactly which ones but small things like line numbering, things that are annoying not to have in 2.7 (because when I switched back from 3.x to 2.7 I felt it)
I auto install with ansible so I forgot which features were missing in 2.7 sorry (i had to read the changelogs to figure out 2.9 was fitting)

Le ven. 6 déc. 2019 à 11:12, Benno Schulenberg <address@hidden> a écrit :

Op 05-12-2019 om 20:10 schreef flomanstrategy:
> I answered only to help-nano (hope it's fine)

Yes, thanks.

> I chose 2.9.8 because it's the latest version that doesn't need new debian 10
> packages (i'm on debian 9) to avoid conflicts

When you build from source, you're not using the package manager (apt or dpkg),
so you're not restricted by the dependencies that they impose. If you're able
to build 2.9.8 from source, building 4.6 from source should not be a problem.
But... if you're happy with 2.9.8, that's fine, it's a good version.

Out of curiosity: why did you want to upgrade from 2.7.4?  Did you run into
a bug with that version and wished to have a fixed version?  Or does 2.9.8
contain some feature that 2.7.4 hasn't?

>> which nano
> /usr/local/bin/nano

Indeed, you first installed without the --prefix=/usr option.
And from you're later mail I conclude you succeeded in doing a
'make uninstall' for that configuration.

> Another problem I have is when I type "dpkg -r nano" it says this
> dpkg: warning: ignoring request to remove nano, only the config
> files of which are on the system; use --purge to remove them too

You already overwrote the system's nano with your self-compiled one,
so dpkg probably considers that the system's nano has already been
removed.  Only the config file, /etc/nanorc, remains, and you probably
want to retain that file.  So you can skip removing the old nano from
your system.  (In theory it would have been better to leave the system's
nano in place, configure nano *without* the --prefix=/usr, so it will be
installed to /usr/local/bin.  The latter takes precedence over /usr/bin,
so you would always be using the new nano.  But: if you would somehow
screw up the build and install of a newer nano, you would still have
the older, system's nano available in /usr/bin to save your hide.
But you would need to make a symlink from /usr/local/etc/nanorc to
/etc/nanorc in that case.)


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