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Re: Match <div and </div>

From: Seb
Subject: Re: Match <div and </div>
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2023 07:38:42 +0100 (CET)
User-agent: Alpine 2.21 (DEB 202 2017-01-01)

Hi Benno,

Then your mailer seems not to support UTF-8. Apparently you are one of the few people that still stick to ISO-8859-*.

Indeed. UTF8 creates vast problems for my thousands of TeX files that were written before UTF8 was invented, and brings hardly any benefit for me.

In other words: each replace command stands on its own.

Thanks for the explanation.

 bind M-B "{replace}<div{enter}^Q{enter}A
           {left}{right}" main
In this case, instead of rare code points, I have used control codes that are very unlikely to occur in any document. Enter each one by preceding the keystroke with M-V.

This code didn't work for me, but I get the idea. Changing the ^char sequences with other infrequent codepoints in latin1 got it to work.

Many thanks!


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