morning carrying those yellow flowers for me to find her at last and that if
it hadn't happened she would have committed suicide because her life was
'Yes, the shock of love struck us both at once. I knew it within the
hour when we found ourselves, quite unawares, on the embankment below the
Kremlin wall. We talked as though we had only parted the day before, as
though we had known each other for years. We agreed to meet the next day at
the same place by the Moscow River and we did. The May sun shone on us and
soon that woman became my mistress.
'She came to me every day at noon. I began waiting for her from early
morning. The strain of waiting gave me hallucinations of seeing things on
the table. After ten minutes I would sit at my little window and start to
listen for the creak of that ancient garden gate. It was curious : until I
met her no one ever came into our little yard. Now it seemed to me that the
whole town was crowding in. The gate would creak, my heart would bound and
outside the window a pair of muddy boots would appear level with my
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