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Re: interp2 meshgrid problem
From: |
Juan Pablo Carbajal |
Subject: |
Re: interp2 meshgrid problem |
Date: |
Sun, 29 Apr 2012 15:10:16 +0200 |
On Sat, Apr 28, 2012 at 6:51 PM, Grant Stephens <address@hidden> wrote:
> Hi
> Running version 3.2.4 on Ubuntu 12.04 and have come across something that
> doesn't make sense to me.
> The following program gives the error that the data is not in meshgrid
> format but all the xx, yy and xxx, yyy data is generated from the meshgrid
> command. I suspect it is becuase it is a non-linear meshgrid? It there a
> workaround or it a limitation?
> Thank You
> Grant
> % Set up grids and tensor product Laplacian and solve for u:
> N = 24; [D,x] = cheb(N); y = x;
> [xx,yy] = meshgrid(x(2:N),y(2:N));
> xx = xx(:); yy = yy(:); % stretch 2D grids to 1D vectors
> f = 10*sin(8*xx.*(yy-1));
> D2 = D^2; D2 = D2(2:N,2:N); I = eye(N-1);
> L = kron(I,D2) + kron(D2,I); % Laplacian
> figure(1), clf, spy(L), drawnow
> tic, u = L\f; toc % solve problem and watch the clock
> % Reshape long 1D results onto 2D grid:
> uu = zeros(N+1,N+1); uu(2:N,2:N) = reshape(u,N-1,N-1);
> [xx,yy] = meshgrid(x,y);
> value = uu(N/4+1,N/4+1);
> % Interpolate to finer grid and plot:
> [xxx,yyy] = meshgrid(-1:.04:1,-1:.04:1);
> uuu = interp2(xx,yy,uu,xxx,yyy,'cubic');
> figure(2), mesh(xxx,yyy,uuu), colormap(1e-6*[1 1 1]);
> xlabel x, ylabel y, zlabel u
> text(.4,-.3,-.3,sprintf('u(2^{-1/2},2^{-1/2}) = %14.11f',value))
> function [D,x] = cheb(N)
> if N==0, D=0; x=1; return, end
> x = cos(pi*(0:N)/N)';
> c = [2; ones(N-1,1); 2].*(-1).^(0:N)';
> X = repmat(x,1,N+1);
> dX = X-X';
> D = (c*(1./c)')./(dX+(eye(N+1))); % off-diagonal entries
> D = D - diag(sum(D'));
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I tried the code you sent and in Octave 3.6.1 I do not get the same
error but the interpolation fails. However interp2 works perfectly
x=linspace(-1,1,10); [
xx yy] = meshgrid(x,x);
[xx2 yy2] = meshgrid(x,x);
zz = sin(xx*2*pi) + cos(yy*2*pi);
uu = interp2 (xx,yy,zz,xx2,yy2);
uu = interp2 (xx,yy,zz,xx2,yy2,'cubic');
uu = interp2 (xx,yy,zz,xx2,yy2,'pchip');
uu = interp2 (xx,yy,zz,xx2,yy2,'spline');
I think the problem is with your "uu" data and the cubic method (and
pchip) since this works fine (uu is your vector)
[xx2 yy2]=meshgrid(linspace(-1,1,100));
uu2 = interp2 (xx,yy,uu,xx2,yy2,'spline');
It might be a bug in interp2 but I would first double check that uu is OK.
M. Sc. Juan Pablo Carbajal
PhD Student
University of Zürich