On 03.06.2012, at 21:45, Sergei Steshenko wrote:
I would not call your ATLAS defective. For various reasons, results from ATLAS
and Reference BLAS/LAPACK can differ. Remember that ATLAS stands for
_Automatically_ _Tuned_ Linear Algebra Software :-)
Your results from the failing tests are probably not wrong: Just compare the
observed and the expected state-space models. There are several ways to do this:
- poles and zeros should be the same
- Hankel singular values should be the same
- plots from time and frequency responses look the same
- solve the equations below for the diagonal transformation matrix T, its
entries should be -1 and 1. (Because in your example, the absolute values are
the same)
Aexp = T \ Aobs * T
Bexp = T \ Bobs
Cexp = Cobs * T
To sum up: if there is a state transformation between observed and expected
model, your results are correct.
Remember that the SLICOT authors recommend reference BLAS/LAPACK and use it for
their test cases (which I use for test_control). If confidence in correct
results is more important to you than a few milliseconds speed advantage from
automatic tuning, then you should follow their advice.
Hope this helps,