On 06/10/2012 08:57 PM, Ron Crummett wrote:
Hello -
This is a simple code snippet:
theta = 2*pi*[0:0.01:1];
plot(cos(theta), sin(theta));
axis equal;
print('circle.eps', '-depsc');
Pretty straightforward, right? Should plot out a circle within the
axes, and then scaled so that it looks like a circle. But when I
save it - whether as .eps or some other format - the image is
compressed horizontally.
I'm sure that this is related to gnuplot more than octave, but I'm
not sure what to do to fix it. Any ideas? I'm running 3.2.4.
Thanks in advance,
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This is a gnuplot problem. Older gnuplot couldn't handle anything
but 4/3 aspect devices. The workaround is to play with the axis
scaling until it looks right instead of using "axis square" (yech).