>> While googling, I found that octave can plot in both gnuplot and grace.
>> For plotting in grace the data needs to be in ascii form and in columns.
>> Now I can convert my binary data into ascii but it is not appearing as columns. When I tried something that was suggested
earlier - it displays on the screen but does not save as a file.
>> I would really appreciate help from someone who has experience doing this.
>> The code I wrote is :
>> load catwalk X y
>> X=
X', y = y';
>> save -mat-ascii catwalkascii X
>> If this does save as columns, then I can open it after typing xmgrace and import it. But as mine does not save as columns, it is proving to be difficult.
>> Your help appreciated.
>> Thanks
>> Asha G
>if you need to autput your data as columns of numbers you probably should be using "dlmwrite" rather than "save"
>Just tried dimwrite -mat-ascii catwalkascii X y
>Did not save either.
How about introducing a struct *say, 's'), assigning data to it and saving using 'save("-text" ...);' ?
Or even without the struct ?
Here is an example from what I'm doing - contents of a files saved using 'save("-text" ...);':
"# Created by Octave 3.0.5, Fri Jul 08 00:11:48 2011 IDT
# name: accumulated_spectra
# type: struct
# length: 3
# name: MM
# type: cell
# rows: 1
# columns: 1
# name: <cell-element>
# type: complex matrix
# rows: 1
# columns: 589825
It _does_ preserve rows and columns info.
Thanks. It is a bit unclear from your work. Can you show how to do it from my example given above ? Columns will be two and rows N where N = 11;