Dear Octave Help,
I recently manually installed Octave 3.6.2_gcc4.6.2 for widows per the intructions on the web site.
The problem I have is that Notepad++ will not launch as the editor? The default editor comes up instead.
I followed the instructions on the read me file to download Notepad++ and uncomment the octaverc file
to EDITOR('C:\\Notepad++\\notepad++.exe');. I tried several combinations/numbers of backslashes (
\\\),forward slashes (///)
and ' ', " "?
I am running Windows 7, x64 bit.
I installed
octave to C:\Octave\octave3.6.2_gcc4.6.2 to avoid any white spaces and the same for notepad C:\Notepad++
Thank you for any input or suggestions
Greg MacLean