-------- Original Message --------
Hi all, Hi Jordi,
I recently posted about my problem with help-texts in an OO-context when
overwriting functions.
Then you, Jordi, told me that this works not so good.
Now it seems as if the problem is there whether i overwrite or not:
I have
## -*- texinfo -*-
## @deftypefn {Function File} {} xxx(num)
## blabla
## @end deftypefn
function xxx(x)
If i define the function file in my folder @pn then 'help xxx' says
error: help: `xxx' not found.
but if i have yyy in a non-oo-folder, it gives me the correct docu,
## -*- texinfo -*-
## @deftypefn {Function File} {} yyy(num)
## blabla
## @end deftypefn
function yyy(x)
looks quite the same.
This seems a bug, right?
Hi again.
I solved the problem myself:
Problem was just, that i put all folders i needed in the classpath, but not the subfolder i needed.
Nevertheless, octave found the m-files, but it did not find the help texts.
Adding subfolders and all ok.
greetings, Ernst