Is there any efficient Octave equivalent for Matlab corner function to detect corners using Harris corner detector.
the function i use currently is as given below. But it is not detecting the corners correctly.
function [corners,R] = harris(I,sigma,Rmin)
% I - image
% sigma - determines the size of the window function (gaussian)
% Rmin - threshold for determining corners (cornerness measure R>Rmin)
% corners [2 n_corners] - x and y coordinates of found corners
% R - the 'cornerness measure' map
k = 0.06;
% Empirical testing has indicated that values of k = 0.04 to 0.06
% Compute gradiants
[Ix,Iy] = gradient(double(I));
gs = fspecial('gaussian',6*sigma,sigma); % size of window = 6*sigma
A = filter2(gs,Ix.*Ix);
B = filter2(gs,Iy.*Iy);
C = filter2(gs,Ix.*Iy);
% Compute determinant and trace of M; and cornerness measure R
detM = A.*B-C.^2;
traceM = A+B;
R = detM-k*traceM.^2;
% Threshold R and find its local maxima
thresh = R>Rmin;
maxima = local_maxima(R);
corners_mask = thresh & maxima;
[r,c] = find(corners_mask);
corners = [c(:)'; r(:)'];