From: John B. Thoo <address@hidden>
To: asha g <address@hidden>
Cc: "address@hidden" <address@hidden>
Sent: Wednesday, 20 February 2013 11:55 AM
Subject: Re: Calculation error
On Feb 19, 2013, at 10:19 PM, asha g wrote:
> I am getting an error while calculating the following using Octave 3.2 . Can you please crosscheck. Also, when I write ln( ro/rl)/l - I get an error message. can ln not be computed in Octave ? I would like to get the values of rho and rx. Thanks Asha G
> l = 400*10^-4; % in cm
> ro= 1.85*10^-4;% in cm
> rl= 0.3*10^-4;%in cm
> rho = (2.303/l)*log(ro/rl)
> %rho = ln(ro/rl)/l;
> x = linspace(0,l,N)
> rx= ro*(exp(-rho*x))
Hi. I think you need to use "log" instead of "ln" for log to the base e.
octave-3.2.3:1> log (exp (1))
ans = 1
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