On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 11:33 AM, eric herbert wrote:
> I'm running ubuntu 12.04 and I'm trying to replace my compiled from source
> octave3.6.2 by the already compiled 3.6.3 made available in the Mike
> Miller's repository.
Please be sure to use ppa:octave/stable instead of
ppa:mtmiller/octave. I will be updating that repository to 3.6.4
within the next day or two.
> After having uninstalled 3.6.2,
> $ sudo apt-get install octave
> leads to the error message
> error: feval: function `unimplemented' not found
> and an useless octave prompt:
> octave:1> ls
> error: feval: function `unimplemented' not found
> I checked my .octaverc and following the bug report (691311) I checked my
> liboctave1 version that is 3.6.3 which should work with octave3.6.3.
What is the result of "dpkg -l liboctave1 octave-common octave" ?
What is the result of the path command from within octave when it's
giving this error?