Hi Nick:
I am attempting to use the Fuzzy Logic Toolkit which requires a bunch of cd's to get to the Fuzzy-Logic-Toolkit package, maybe 8 or 10 cd's. It's really not a big deal, I guess, and I suppose I have been spoiled by years of Mac and Windows use, so it's a pain for me to go back to the DOS-like command method to do stuff. And perhaps since I haven't been doing any or much Command Prompt work, I don't know of any shortcuts that may be (?) available. I'll take a look and see if I can find any shortcuts that would help, but I hate to learn any more Command Prompt shortcuts, or whatever. Every time I use the Command Prompt, I have to look up to find out the commands, such as copying text from the CP page, doing the cd's to get to the desired page, etc.
My only work with Matlab was with their "IDE" that looks a lot like Octclipse and I am not familiar with using the Command Prompt interface with MatLab. The MatLab that I used at my last job at LLNL provided an editor and I could run the programs from the "IDE."
On Mar 2, 2013, at 12:25 PM, Nicholas Jankowski wrote: On Sat, Mar 2, 2013 at 1:10 PM, Ben Abbott <address@hidden> wrote:
On Mar 2, 2013, at 12:32 PM, John Baker wrote:
> On 3/2/2013 6:57 AM, Ben Abbott wrote:
>> On Mar 1, 2013, at 11:05 PM, bakerwang wrote:
>>> Sarbjit:
>>> I'm just getting started with Octave and Octclipse, trying to run the Fuzzy
>>> Logic Toolkit and having the same problem "No corresponding plugin for
>>> current Octave version." Octclipse starts up ok and I set up the Interpreter
>>> per the instructions. I loaded the Mamdani-tip-demo and tried to run it but
>>> get the "No corresponding plugin for current Octave version" error.
>>> I am running Octave 3.6.2 on a Win7 system, Octclipse version 0.10.1.
>>> I may just be too anxious and I know I should be more patient but Octclipse
>>> looks like such a wonderful tool, that I am impatient to get it running with
>>> the Fuzzy Logic Toolkit.
>>> I also tried a simple m file, the first order system solver from
>>> http://www.math.tamu.edu/~comech/tools/octave-basics/ and got the same error
>>> message, so I know it's not just the Fuzzy Logic Toolkit causing the
>>> problem.
>>> ## Octave script for solving dx/dt=v, dv/dt=-x-v/5
>>> ## with the built-in lsode solver.
>>> function ret = f(X,t); ret = [X(2),-X(1)-X(2)/5]; end
>>> T=(0:0.2:50)';
>>> X=lsode('f',[-2,0],T);
>>> plot(X(:,1),X(:,2))
>>> pause(60);
>>> So please forgive me for being too impatient.
>>> Thanks very much and hopefully you will be able to repair Octclipse.
>>> John
>> As far as I know, no one on this list is using Octclipse.
>> I notice that you've already posted to the Octclipse forum at sourceforge.
>> http://sourceforge.net/projects/octclipse/
>> Hopefully you'll get some help there.
>> Ben
> Ben:
> Thanks for your reply.
> I certainly do hope someone gets the problem fixed. Octave is so awkward to use thru the Command Prompt but Octclipse looks like a terrific tool and I am extremely hopeful that it will be usable someday.
> John
The developers are working on a GUI for Octave. It is still too buggy for normal use, but that is the long term solution for those who find the command line version "awkward".
Help-octave mailing list
John, also, curious which aspects of using Octave through the command line are awkward, since Matlab commands are also primarily used through a command prompt interface. The 'desktop' has added extra things around the command prompt, but which do you 'miss the most'? We have different people used to different things, and it's useful to hear opinions on what aspects you see as lacking.
John Baker Baker_Engineering Cell phone: 925-997-2126 Landline: 925-256-0111