I am trying to develop a GUI (using Octave 3.6.2 with Qt graphics toolkit on Windows). The whole of the code is in a single function file, with a number of nested functions. I have used MATLAB for more than 10 years so I am used to the nested functions having access to the workspace of the calling function. Now, I understand that the decision was made for Octave to not support this behaviour, and that's fine, everybody's entitled to their opinion, I am not going to discuss the benefits of using either approach. It just means that I have to pass arguments to the callback functions, which is fine, or at least should be in theory.
My question really is what is the best way to use a function handle *with arguments* as a callback to a uicontrol?
Here's what my code looks like:
function my_top_level_GUI()
function gui = create_interface()
% some code to create the uicontrols
% gui is a struct
% Add pop-up menus for dimension choice of each input
strings = {'Nominal dimensions|Measurement file'};
width = [0.5 0.5 0.5];
gui.dim_choices = cell(size(gui.inputs_txt)); % cell of dim (3,1)
for k=1:length(gui.inputs_txt)
gui.dim_choices{k} = uicontrol('Style','popupmenu','String',strings,...
'Units','normalized','Position',[0.23 y_pos(k) width(k) 0.1],...
end % end create_interface
function update_browse_btn(gui,k)
% Called when user activates popup menu
val = get(gui.dim_choices{k},'Value');
if val == 2
end % end update_browse_btn
This gives me the error message:
>> error: `gui' undefined near line 184 column 11
error: evaluating argument list element number 1
error: called from:
error: <path_to_my_GUI_file> at line 184, colu
mn 5
Any suggestions on how to make this work?
Many thanks in advance,