Jaya wrote
> The requirement is to use the java interface, connect to octave,
so that
> octave processes the images.
> The programs are to be distributed and run on systems without
> octave installations.
> Kindly advice on how to invoke octave function from java.
I'm not sure what you want as you didn't describe in sufficient
detail what
you have tried yourself, so below is a bit of a guess.
If you need to invoke Java methods from Octave, you must add the
where these methods are (in .java files), and/or add the Java class libs
containing these methods (in .jar files), to the javaclasspath.
Before you can do that you'd need to load the Java package (" pkg load
Type (from Octave) "help javaclasspath" and "help javaaddpath" for more
But if you want to invoke Octave from Java, you need another strategy.
In more detail,
gui.java has only the user interfaces required, which has a couple of
canvas and button objects. The user provides input parameters and images
in the java file. these inputs are to be passed over to octave, when the
user clicks a button called 'process'. the octave does the image
processing and generates the output. this generated output has to be
send back to java interface to be displayed by the user.