I haven't used octave for quite a time. However I try now to use the NDArray as "tensors".
The standard "*" matrix-operator is a defacto a "inner tensor product" condensing the neighbouring indices resulting in a rank/dim of "rank(A)+rank(B)-2", where A is the first and B the second operand :
[M x N] * [N x L]= [N x L]
Therefore I expected to get for NDArrays:
[L x M x N] * [N x O] = [L x M x O] or
[L x M x N] * [N x 1] = [L x M]
However it does not work as expected:
octave:19> a*c
error: invalid conversion of NDArray to Matrix
octave:19> whos a c
Variables in the current scope:
Attr Name Size Bytes Class
==== ==== ==== ===== =====
2x3x4 192 double
c 4x1 32 double
Total is 28 elements using 224 bytes
using 224 bytes
Does octave have some "efficient" way for "inner" (and even "outer") products on arbitrary sized matrices?
Best regards, daniel