On Apr 8, 2013, at 4:33 AM, Jan Potac wrote:
Trying to plot a figure with additional x axis on the top of the
figure. (x-axis2
= f(x-axis1))
I have found some example but getting plots bit offset. It seems the
cause is
the top x label which 'pushes' the second plot to move down due to
keeping some
space from bounding box or window size. (if my observation correct)
I have been searching for some set () parameter but not succeeded yet.
Any hint, please?
My code looks like:
f5 = figure(5, "visible", "on");
%x values in radians
hold 'on';
x = [0:0.1:6.3];
%y values values
%x values in degrees
%means each new graph destroys the previous(overlay mode off)
plot(x, y);
hold 'off';
%attach the current axes (gca) to handle "axes1"
%ensure x axis at bottom
%see "get(axes1)" for additional properties
%see "set(axes1)" for properties which can be altered
set(axes1, 'XAxisLocation', 'bottom');
%overlay mode on
hold 'on';
%add additional axes
plot(x2, y);
%ensure x axis at top
set(axes2, 'XAxisLocation', 'top' );
%make different intervals
set(axes2, 'XTick', [x2(1):75:x2(length(x2))] );
%overlay off
hold 'off';
Does the attached do what you want?
I've changed the "activepostionproperty", set the "color" of the second
axis to
"none", removed the yaxis tick labels for the second axes and eliminated
plot objects from the second axes.