On Apr 10, 2013, at 5:22 AM, Daniel Arteaga wrote:
Al 09/04/13 15:28, En/na Daniel Arteaga ha escrit:
The following piece of code works with Matlab:
[Trial Event_Type Code
In Octave 3.6.2 raises an error (both tested in Ubuntu 12.10 and Windows)
This code should read the first four columns of the attached text file
and discard the rest. How can it be adapted to Octave?
I have tried several things like replacing *[^\n] by *, adding and
"endofline" option, all without success.
I have tried to workaround the use of textread with dlmread and other functions
without success, because the file to parse
(i) has a variable number of columns
(ii) there is a mixture of text and numeric data
What is the best way to parse these kind of data? (see example in parent post)
This is largely untested. In particular, the line "e = reshape (...)" may have
the rows/columns backwards?
# Read text
a = fileread ("test.log")
# Split at EOL
b = regexp (a, "\n", "split");
# Split at white-space or comma (multiple delimiters are collapsed into one)
c = regexp (b", "[\s,]*", "split");
# Only keep the leading 4 entries in each line
d = cellfun (@(c) c(1:4), c, "uniformoutput", false);
# Convert a cell vectors of cells into a cell array
e = reshape ([d{:}], numel (d), 4);
# Extract the data
Trial = cell2mat (e(:,1));
Event_Type = e(:,2);
Code = e(:,3);
Time = cell2mat (e(:,4));