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Re: Plotting and Animating in Octave (vs. Matlab)
From: |
Francesco Potortì |
Subject: |
Re: Plotting and Animating in Octave (vs. Matlab) |
Date: |
Wed, 17 Jul 2013 10:19:19 +0200 |
>> Jeffrey wrote
>> I'm trying to make some plots and animations in Octave on a non-graphical
>> cluster. Is this even possible? With the first code, I can get a rough,
>> text-based plot. Is that the best I can do? Is there a way to animate (my
>> second code)? If not animate, can I at least create a movie?
>Have you considered writing the successive images to sequential files
>and then use the "animate" program (part of ImageMagick?)
On the same line, I have used this program of mine to generate a movie:
===File /home/work/math/octavelib/utils/movie.m=============
## Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Francesco Potortì
## -*- texinfo -*-
## @deftypefn {Function File} {} movie (@var{action})
## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} movie (@var{action}, @var{mvf})
## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} movie (@var{action}, @var{mvf}, @var{rate})
## Create a movie from plots
## Example usage:
## @example
## figure("visible","off"); movie("init","square.mp4")
## n=100; a=zeros(n,n); a(1:20,41:60)=1;
## for i=1:n; imshow(shift(a,i)); movie("add","square.mp4"); endfor
## movie("close","square.mp4",24); close; system("totem square.mp4")
## @end example
## @var{action} takes one of three string values: @code{init},
## @code{add}, @code{close}. For each, @var{mvf} specifies the file name
## produced; the file name suffix sets the type of movie.
## If @var{mvf} is missing, it defaults to @file{octave_movie.mp4}. The
## suffix @file{.dir} creates a directory containing a png file per
## frame, the type @file{.zip} archives it using @command{zip}. A
## suffix of @file{.mp4}, @file{.ogg}, @file{.mov}, @file{.mjpeg},
## @file{.avi}, @file{.flv} creates a movie using @command{ffmpeg};
## @file{.mng}, @file{.gif} create a movie using @command{convert}; type
## @file{.swf} creates a movie using @command{png2swf}. You must have
## the relevant program installed when using a given extension; no
## program is required for @file{.dir}.
## With the @var{close} action, a third arguments specifies the frame
## rate (defaulting to 5 frames/second).
## @end deftypefn
## Author: Francesco Potortì <address@hidden>
## Revision: 1.12
## License: GPL version 3 or later
function movie (action, mvf='octave_movie.mp4', rate=5)
verbose = false;
actions = {'init' 'add' 'close'};
# gif swf
types = {'.mp4' '.mng' '.gif' '.zip' '.ogg' '.swf' '.mov' ...
'.mjpeg' '.avi' '.flv' '.dir'};
if (nargin < 1 || !ischar(action) || !any(strcmp(action, actions)))
error("first argument must be one of:%s", sprintf(" %s",actions{:}));
if (nargin >= 2 && !ischar(mvf))
error("second arg must be a string");
[mpath mname mtype] = fileparts(mvf);
mdir = fullfile(mpath, [mname '.d']);
ppat = '%06d.png';
mpat = fullfile(mdir, ppat);
mglob = fullfile(mdir, strrep(sprintf(ppat,0),'0','[0-9]'));
fnof = fullfile(mdir, "+frame-number+");
switch (action)
case actions{1} # init a movie
if (isdir(mvf))
cleandir(mvf, verbose)
while (!([allgood msg] = mkdir(mdir)))
if (stat(fnof) && load(fnof).frameno == 0)
error("while creating dir '%s': %s", mdir, msg);
cleandir(mdir, verbose);
frameno = 0; save('-text',fnof,'frameno');
if (verbose) printf("Directory '%s' created.\n", mdir); endif
case actions{2} # add a frame
mfile = sprintf(mpat, ++frameno);
if (verbose) printf("Frame '%s' added.\n", mfile); endif
case actions{3} # close the movie
switch (mtype)
case {types{[1 5 7 8 9 10]}} # mp4, ogg, mov, mjpeg, avi, flv
cmd = sprintf("ffmpeg -y -r %d -sameq -i %s %s 2>&1", rate, mpat,
case {types{[2 3]}} # mng, gif
cmd = sprintf("convert %s -adjoin %s %s 2>&1", mglob, mpat, mvf);
case types{4} # zip
cmd = sprintf("zip -qr9 %s %s 2>&1", mvf, mglob);
case types{6} # swf
cmd = sprintf("png2swf -z -r %d -o %s %s", rate, mvf, mglob);
case types{end} # dir
rename(mdir, mvf); return
error("second arg must end with one of:%s", sprintf(" %s",types{:}));
[status output] = system(cmd);
if (status != 0)
error("Creation of movie '%s' containing %d frames failed:\n%s",
mvf, frameno, output);
if (verbose) printf("Movie '%s' contains %d frames:\n%s",
mvf, frameno, output); endif
cleandir(mdir, verbose);
function cleandir(mdir, verbose)
save_crr = confirm_recursive_rmdir(false);
[allgood msg] = rmdir(mdir,"s");
if (!allgood)
error("while removing dir '%s': %s", mdir, msg); endif
if (verbose) printf("Directory '%s' removed\n", mdir); endif
Francesco Potortì (ricercatore) Voice: +39.050.621.3058
ISTI - Area della ricerca CNR Mobile: +39.348.8283.107
via G. Moruzzi 1, I-56124 Pisa Skype: wnlabisti
(entrance 20, 1st floor, room C71) Web: http://fly.isti.cnr.it