On 26.07.2013, at 07:25, Carnë Draug <address@hidden> wrote:
On 26 July 2013 05:54, Lukas Reichlin <address@hidden> wrote:
On 26.07.2013, at 00:38, Carnë Draug <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi everyone
a new release of the statistics package is out, version 1.2.1, by Arno
Onken. Enjoy Octave responsibly.
Thanks Carnë and Arno! I got the following warnings upon package installation:
octave:2> pkg install -forge -nodeps statistics
warning: function /Users/lukas/octave/statistics-1.2.1/fstat.m shadows a core
library function
/var/tmp/octave-help-wA7iBd:7: must be after address@hidden' to use
/var/tmp/octave-help-wA7iBd:12: must be after address@hidden' to use
/var/tmp/octave-help-ZeYrFD:8: must be after address@hidden' to use
/var/tmp/octave-help-ZeYrFD:14: must be after address@hidden' to use
/var/tmp/octave-help-ZeYrFD:20: must be after address@hidden' to use
/var/tmp/octave-help-ZeYrFD:24: must be after address@hidden' to use
/var/tmp/octave-help-ZeYrFD:28: must be after address@hidden' to use
For information about changes from previous versions of the statistics package, run 'news
You're still using TexInfo 5 correct? Do you get those warnings when
getting the help text for dendogram and hist3? If so, this a problem
that only appears with the new TexInfo when deftypefnx is used in the
middle of the help text.
My understanding is that this type of usage of deftypefnx should be
avoided in first place. When it can't, then the solution is to end
deftypefn first. See the gallery function [1] in octave core for an
example where that is done.
Yes, I'm using TexInfo 5. It is installed by the Fink package manager on OS X
10.8, so I don't know an easy way to downgrade to TexInfo 4.
octave:5> pkg load statistics
warning: function /Users/lukas/octave/statistics-1.2.1/fstat.m shadows a core
library function
octave:6> help dendogram
/var/tmp/octave-help-1XJiUE:7: must be after address@hidden' to use
/var/tmp/octave-help-1XJiUE:12: must be after address@hidden' to use
'dendogram' is a function from the file
-- Function File: P = dendogram (TREE)
Plots a dendogram using the output of function 'linkage'.
-- Function File: P, T = dendogram (TREE)
Plots the dendrogram and returns a vector t of containing the leaf
node number for each object in the original dataset. For now, all
objects are leaf nodes.
-- Function File: P, T, PERM = dendogram (TREE)
Plots the dendrogram, and returns the permutation of the input
objects used to display the dendrogram, in left-to-right order.
TODO: Return handle to lines to set properties TODO: Rescale the
plot automatically base don data.
See also: linkage
Additional help for built-in functions and operators is
available in the online version of the manual. Use the command
'doc <topic>' to search the manual index.
Help and information about Octave is also available on the WWW
at http://www.octave.org and via the address@hidden
mailing list.
octave:7> help hist3
/var/tmp/octave-help-pOfq2G:8: must be after address@hidden' to use
/var/tmp/octave-help-pOfq2G:14: must be after address@hidden' to use
/var/tmp/octave-help-pOfq2G:20: must be after address@hidden' to use
/var/tmp/octave-help-pOfq2G:24: must be after address@hidden' to use
/var/tmp/octave-help-pOfq2G:28: must be after address@hidden' to use
'hist3' is a function from the file /Users/lukas/octave/statistics-1.2.1/hist3.m
-- Function File: hist3( X )
Plots a 2D histogram of the N x 2 matrix X with 10 equally spaced
bins in both the x and y direction using the 'mesh' function
-- Function File: hist3( X , NBINS)
-- Function File: hist3( X , 'Nbins', NBINS)
Use NBINS equally spaced bins to compute histogram. If NBINS is a
2 element vector, use the two values as the number of bins in the x
and y axis, respectively, otherwise, use the same value for each.
-- Function File: hist3( X , CENTERS)
-- Function File: hist3( X , 'Centers', CENTERS)
Specify the centers of the histogram bins. CENTERS should be a
cell array containing two arrays of the bin centers on the x and y
axis, respectively.
-- Function File: hist3( X , 'Edges', EDGES)
Specify the edges of the histogram bins. EDGES should be a cell
array containing two arrays of the bin edges on the x and y axis,
-- Function File: N = hist3( X, ...)
returns the 2D array of bin counts in N, and does not plot the
-- Function File: [N, C] = hist3( X, ...)
returns the 2D array of bin counts in N and the bin centers in the
2 element cell array C, and does not plot the histogram
See also: hist, mesh
Authors: Paul Kienzle (segments borrowed from hist2d), Roman Stanchak
(addition of matlab compatible syntax, bin edge arg)
Additional help for built-in functions and operators is
available in the online version of the manual. Use the command
'doc <topic>' to search the manual index.
Help and information about Octave is also available on the WWW
at http://www.octave.org and via the address@hidden
mailing list.