I tried to use the octsympy package with octave 3.8.1 on Xubuntu.
I got this error
octave:3> pkg install octsympy-0.1.0.tar.gz
For information about changes from previous versions of the octsympy package, run 'news octsympy'.
octave:4> pkg load octsympy
octave:5> syms x
error: 'python_ipc_popen2' undefined near line 23 column 17
error: called from:
error: /home/max/octave/octsympy-0.1.0/private/python_ipc_driver.m at line 23, column 15
error: /home/max/octave/octsympy-0.1.0/python_cmd.m at line 122, column 9
error: /home/max/octave/octsympy-0.1.0/@sym/sym.m at line 262, column 5
error: evaluating argument list element number 3
error: /home/max/octave/octsympy-0.1.0/syms.m at line 104, column 9
Does anyone have an idea what I could do?