I am running octave on a raspberry pi (later it might be a beaglebone or odroid), equipped with a couple of basic libraries (instrument-control being one of them). My idea is to run an m-file that operates with a frequency of 100Hz, get some i2c data, do the calculations and send back some i2c data. The application being a control system, execution at constant frequency is crucial. On a microcontroller, one would normally set up an interrupt to run at 100Hz and execute the code. But as I've seen in the documentation, Octave doesn't allow for "timed execution" (the only thing remotely close to that is waiting for time to elapse with a >= operator, but that makes the frequency fluctuate). So one of my options is running octave scripts from an outside shell script. But the problem then is that after I run the script, Octave closes and each time i want to run the script it needs to initialize itself. Is there any way to ommit this (minimze octave instead of closing it?). Or is there an entirely other solution I am not aware of? I am working on the newest raspbian build, without lxde.
Best Regards,