On Mon, Jun 1, 2015 at 11:25 AM, Pervin, William <
address@hidden> wrote:
> I want to have my students use Octave in my Linear Algebra class and not have to buy MATLAB.
> So far I am able to install Octave so they should be able to do it also. We all use WINDOWS!
> I want to install the Symbolic package and don't know how. I have downloaded a file named:
> "symbolic-2.2.1.tar.gz" and put it everywhere I can find (octave,share,packages,octave-packages, etc.)
> and then do a "pkg install symbolic-2.2.1.tar.gz" as the documentation seems to say. I get the
> message "warning: file symbolic-23.2.1.tar.gz" does not exist". What is the correct, detailed way
> to install the Symbolic package? BTW, I don't even know what a .tar.gz file is (maybe zipped?)
> and I obviously don't know where to put it. Please give me some detailed instructions written
> for an Idiot.
First, you should be aware that the symbolic package may not yet give the level of Matlab compatibility that you get from the numerical side of Octave. I do see there have been quite a number of recent updates in the past few months, so hopefully this is improving. I know in the past help list emails have pointed users to Maxima or other Computer Algebra Software when symbolic solution is necessary. You may just have to try it out and see if it's sufficient for your class.
Second, the symbolic package depends on Python (and SymPy), and looks for a python installation when setting up the package.
If you know you don't have Python, the package author has an alternative 'bundled' version you can get from: