I am trying to create mex files on octave rc4
I am using the below make.m function
fprintf('\nMaking mutual.mex executable for the computation of near-by 1/r interactions\n');
if ispc
mex main.c cuber.c mutual.c -v -output mutual COMPFLAGS="/openmp /O2 /Wall $COMPFLAGS"
if ismac || isunix
mex main.c cuber.c mutual.c -v -output mutual CFLAGS="-fopenmp -Wall -O3 \$CFLAGS" LDFLAGS="-fopenmp \$LDFLAGS"
My files are as follows:
/* main.c
#include "mutual.h"
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Prototypes */
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[ ],int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[ ]);
int convFils(FILAMENT* fil1, FILAMENT* fil2, double *O, double *L, double *W, double *H);
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#define XX0 0
#define YY0 1
#define ZZ0 2
#define XX1 3
#define YY1 4
#define ZZ1 5
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[ ],int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[ ])
double *O, *L, *W, *H;
double *Oin, *Lin, *Win, *Hin;
double *out; /*, *stats;*/
int ind;
/*int dispstats = TRUE;*/
size_t n;
FILAMENT fil1, fil2;
/*if (nlhs==2)
dispstats = FALSE;*/
if (nlhs>2)
mexErrMsgTxt("Wrong number of output parameters, usage: M = mutual(O, L, W, H)");
if (nrhs!=4)
mexErrMsgTxt("Wrong number of input parameters, usage: M = mutual(O, L, W, H)");
if (!mxIsDouble(prhs[0]) || !mxIsDouble(prhs[1]) || !mxIsDouble(prhs[2]) || !mxIsDouble(prhs[3]))
mexErrMsgTxt("mutual: Input arguments must be double.");
/* Prepare input */
Oin = mxGetPr(prhs[0]); /* O - origin */
Lin = mxGetPr(prhs[1]); /* L - length */
Win = mxGetPr(prhs[2]); /* W - width */
Hin = mxGetPr(prhs[3]); /* H - height */
/* number of elements */
n = mxGetN(prhs[0]);
/* Error check for m == 6 */
if(!(6 == mxGetM(prhs[0]) &&
6 == mxGetM(prhs[1]) &&
6 == mxGetM(prhs[2]) &&
6 == mxGetM(prhs[3])))
mexErrMsgTxt("mutual: Must have six rows for each of the four inputs");
if(n != mxGetN(prhs[1]) ||
n != mxGetN(prhs[2]) ||
n != mxGetN(prhs[3]))
mexErrMsgTxt("mutual: Must have same number of columns");
/* Output */
plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(n, 1, mxREAL);
out = mxGetPr(plhs[0]);
/*if (!dispstats) {
plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(6, 1, mxREAL);
stats = mxGetPr(plhs[1]);
/* Reset counters
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for default(none) shared(out,n,Oin,Lin,Win,Hin) private(O,L,W,H,fil1,fil2,ind)
for (ind=0;ind<n;ind++) {
/* Increment pointers */
O = Oin + 6*ind; L = Lin + 6*ind; W = Win + 6*ind; H = Hin + 6*ind;
/* Translate and Output */
if (convFils(&fil1,&fil2,O,L,W,H)) {
out[ind] = self(fil1.width, fil1.length, fil1.height);
else {
out[ind] = mutual(&fil1,&fil2);
/*More debug tools */
if (dispstats) {
mexPrintf("Calls to exact_mutual: %15d\n",num_exact_mutual);
mexPrintf(" cuber: %15d\n",num_quadFil);
mexPrintf(" fourfils: %15d\n",num_fourfil);
mexPrintf(" mutualfil: %15d\n",num_mutualfil);
mexPrintf("Number perpendicular: %15d\n",num_perp);
mexPrintf("Number self terms: %15d\n",num_self);
} else {
stats[0] = num_exact_mutual;
stats[1] = num_quadFil;
stats[2] = num_fourfil;
stats[3] = num_mutualfil;
stats[4] = num_perp;
stats[5] = num_self;
* Interface to Matt's filament definition
*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int convFils(FILAMENT* fil1, FILAMENT* fil2, double *O, double *L, double *W, double *H) {
double P[6], Q[6];
int ii;
int chkslf = (1 == 1);
for (ii=0; ii<3; ii++) {
chkslf = chkslf && nearzero(O[ii]-O[ii+3]);
chkslf = chkslf && nearzero(L[ii]-L[ii+3]);
chkslf = chkslf && nearzero(W[ii]-W[ii+3]);
chkslf = chkslf && nearzero(H[ii]-H[ii+3]);
/* Convert to the FILAMENT format */
/* Do fil1 first. */
/* length, width, height */
fil1->length = mag(L[XX0],L[YY0],L[ZZ0]);
fil1->width = mag(W[XX0],W[YY0],W[ZZ0]);
fil1->height = mag(H[XX0],H[YY0],H[ZZ0]);
if(chkslf) {
} else {
/* length, width, height */
fil2->length = mag(L[XX1],L[YY1],L[ZZ1]);
fil2->width = mag(W[XX1],W[YY1],W[ZZ1]);
fil2->height = mag(H[XX1],H[YY1],H[ZZ1]);
/* Make end points. */
/* Note that FastHenry defines the origin at the center of the */
/* square, but the OLWH notation defines the origin at the corner. */
/* We define P to be the FastHenry origin and Q to be the end point. */
for (ii = 0; ii < 6; ii++) {
P[ii] = O[ii] + W[ii]/2 + H[ii]/2;
Q[ii] = O[ii] + L[ii] + W[ii]/2 + H[ii]/2;
fil1->x[0] = P[XX0]; fil1->y[0] = P[YY0]; fil1->z[0] = P[ZZ0];
fil1->x[1] = Q[XX0]; fil1->y[1] = Q[YY0]; fil1->z[1] = Q[ZZ0];
fil2->x[0] = P[XX1]; fil2->y[0] = P[YY1]; fil2->z[0] = P[ZZ1];
fil2->x[1] = Q[XX1]; fil2->y[1] = Q[YY1]; fil2->z[1] = Q[ZZ1];
/* lenvect */
fil1->lenvect = L; fil2->lenvect = L+3;
/* widvect */
fil1->widvect = W; fil2->widvect = W+3;
include "mutual.h"
#include "KPU_2_2.h"
#define ONE3RD 0.333333333333333333
#define ONE6TH 0.166666666666666666
double surf_integral (double L, double W, double O[3], double L2[3],
double W2[3], double len2, double wid2)
double xp[4], yp[4]; /* Definite integration limits */
double x,y,z,x2,y2,r,z2,z3d3,z2x3,ret[4];
double tot = 0;
int k,i;
/* Quadrature loop */
for(k=0;k<Q_NUM_WEIGHTS;k++) {
/* Quadrature points */
x = O[0] + len2*L2[0]*Qnodes[0][k] + wid2*W2[0]*Qnodes[1][k];
y = O[1] + len2*L2[1]*Qnodes[0][k] + wid2*W2[1]*Qnodes[1][k];
z = O[2] + len2*L2[2]*Qnodes[0][k] + wid2*W2[2]*Qnodes[1][k];
/* Set up z-based variables that don't change between def. int*/
z2 = z*z;
z3d3 = ONE3RD*z*z2;
z2x3 = z2*3;
/* The definite integral is performed over four indefinite integrals
* Let us set up the limits ahead of time.
* The fact that this is embedded within this function is to avoid
* many function calls and the associated overhead */
xp[0] = x; xp[1] = x-L; xp[2] = xp[0]; xp[3] = xp[1];
yp[0] = y; yp[1] = yp[0]; yp[2] = y-W; yp[3] = yp[2];
for(i=0;i<4;i++) {
x2 = xp[i]*xp[i];
y2 = yp[i]*yp[i];
r = sqrt(x2+y2+z2);
ret[i] = ONE3RD*xp[i]*yp[i]*r;
/* If clauses to avoid divide by zero*/
if (y2 > EPS || z2 > EPS)
ret[i] += ONE6TH * (y2 + z2x3) * yp[i] * log((xp[i]+r)/sqrt(y2+z2));
if (x2 > EPS || z2 > EPS)
ret[i] += ONE6TH * (x2 + z2x3) * xp[i] * log((yp[i]+r)/sqrt(x2+z2));
/* Atan term */
if ((z != 0))
ret[i] -= z3d3 * (atan((xp[i]*yp[i])/(r*z)));
/* Decide to add or subtract
* Add the first and last, subtract the middle two. */
tot += (ret[0] - ret[1] - ret[2] + ret[3]) * Qweights[k];
return tot * len2 * wid2;
/* Extract the governing directional vectors from the TV matrix
* We use #define here to avoid unnecessarily creating / destroying pointers
#define L2V (TV[0]+ax)
#define W2V (TV[1]+ax)
#define H2V (TV[2]+ax)
double sixface(int ax, double TV[3][5], double *Db, double *Dt, double len1,
double wid1, double *v) {
/* Calculate dot products of the normal of this current plane with the
* plane normals of cuboid 2 */
double dotx = TV[0][ax+2];
double doty = TV[1][ax+2];
double dotz = TV[2][ax+2];
double M = 0;
/* Compute the contributions of each plane if the dot product isnt zero
if (!nearzero(dotz)) {
M += dotz * (surf_integral(len1,wid1,Dt,L2V,W2V,-v[0],-v[1])
- surf_integral(len1,wid1,Db,L2V,W2V,v[0],v[1]));
if (!nearzero(doty)) {
M += doty * (surf_integral(len1,wid1,Dt,H2V,L2V,-v[2],-v[0])
- surf_integral(len1,wid1,Db,H2V,L2V,v[2],v[0]));
if (!nearzero(dotx)) {
M += dotx * (surf_integral(len1,wid1,Dt,W2V,H2V,-v[1],-v[2])
- surf_integral(len1,wid1,Db,W2V,H2V,v[1],v[2]));
return M;
double cuber(FILAMENT *fil1, FILAMENT *fil2) {
double u[5], v[5];
double TV[3][5], U[3][3], V[3][3], O[3];
double D2b[5], D2t[5];
double D1b[5] = {0,0,0,0,0};
double D1t[5] = {0,0,0,0,0};
/* Temporary variables */
double wid12, wid22, hei12, hei22;
int i,j; /* column, row*/
double M = 0;
/* Source dimensions vector*/
u[0] = fil1->length; u[1] = fil1->width; u[2] = fil1->height;
u[3]=u[0]; u[4]=u[1];
/* Source basis matrix*/
U[0][0] = fil1->lenvect[0] / u[0];
U[0][1] = fil1->lenvect[1] / u[0];
U[0][2] = fil1->lenvect[2] / u[0];
/* Target dimensions vector*/
v[0] = fil2->length; v[1] = fil2->width; v[2] = fil2->height;
v[3]=v[0]; v[4]=v[1];
/* Target basis matrix*/
V[0][0] = fil2->lenvect[0] / v[0];
V[0][1] = fil2->lenvect[1] / v[0];
V[0][2] = fil2->lenvect[2] / v[0];
/* Distance between the origins (center of filaments, not corners) */
O[0] = fil2->x[0] - fil1->x[0];
O[1] = fil2->y[0] - fil1->y[0];
O[2] = fil2->z[0] - fil1->z[0];
* Set up rotation matrices. See the accompanying matlab files for details
wid12 = u[1]/2; wid22 = v[1]/2; hei12 = u[2]/2; hei22 = v[2]/2;
for (i=0;i<3;i++) { /* Cols of U, V, TV, gives ux, uy, uz etc */
/* Adjust for offset. After this, O[i] is now dist btwn corners*/
O[i] += U[1][i]*wid12 - V[1][i]*wid22 + U[2][i]*hei12 - V[2][i]*hei22;
for (j=0;j<3;j++) { /* Rows of U, V, TV, gives inner dimensions */
/* Form TV*/
TV[i][j] = U[j][0]*V[i][0] + U[j][1]*V[i][1] + U[j][2]*V[i][2];
/* Form D1b */
D1b[j] += U[j][i]*O[i];
/* Replicate the rows */
TV[i][3] = TV[i][0];
TV[i][4] = TV[i][1];
/*mexPrintf("TV[%d]: %g %g %g %g %g\n", i, TV[i][0], TV[i][1], TV[i][2], TV[i][3], TV[i][4]);*/
/* Replicate the rows */
D1b[3] = D1b[0];
D1b[4] = D1b[1];
for (i=0;i<5;i++) {
/* Form D1t */
D1t[i] = D1b[i];
for (j=0;j<3;j++)
D1t[i] += TV[j][i] * v[j];
/* Form D2b and D2t */
D2b[i] = D1b[i] - u[i];
D2t[i] = D1t[i] - u[i];
/* Do the faces for each governing axis*/
for (i=0;i<3;i++) {
/* Front face*/
M += sixface(i,TV,D1b+i,D1t+i,u[i],u[i+1],v);
/* Rear face*/
M -= sixface(i,TV,D2b+i,D2t+i,-u[i],-u[i+1],v);
/* NB: TV[0][0] = dot(ux,vx) */
return M * TV[0][0] / (2.0*u[1]*u[2]*v[1]*v[2]);
include "mutual.h"
#include "KPU_2_2.h"
#define ONE3RD 0.333333333333333333
#define ONE6TH 0.166666666666666666
double surf_integral (double L, double W, double O[3], double L2[3],
double W2[3], double len2, double wid2)
double xp[4], yp[4]; /* Definite integration limits */
double x,y,z,x2,y2,r,z2,z3d3,z2x3,ret[4];
double tot = 0;
int k,i;
/* Quadrature loop */
for(k=0;k<Q_NUM_WEIGHTS;k++) {
/* Quadrature points */
x = O[0] + len2*L2[0]*Qnodes[0][k] + wid2*W2[0]*Qnodes[1][k];
y = O[1] + len2*L2[1]*Qnodes[0][k] + wid2*W2[1]*Qnodes[1][k];
z = O[2] + len2*L2[2]*Qnodes[0][k] + wid2*W2[2]*Qnodes[1][k];
/* Set up z-based variables that don't change between def. int*/
z2 = z*z;
z3d3 = ONE3RD*z*z2;
z2x3 = z2*3;
/* The definite integral is performed over four indefinite integrals
* Let us set up the limits ahead of time.
* The fact that this is embedded within this function is to avoid
* many function calls and the associated overhead */
xp[0] = x; xp[1] = x-L; xp[2] = xp[0]; xp[3] = xp[1];
yp[0] = y; yp[1] = yp[0]; yp[2] = y-W; yp[3] = yp[2];
for(i=0;i<4;i++) {
x2 = xp[i]*xp[i];
y2 = yp[i]*yp[i];
r = sqrt(x2+y2+z2);
ret[i] = ONE3RD*xp[i]*yp[i]*r;
/* If clauses to avoid divide by zero*/
if (y2 > EPS || z2 > EPS)
ret[i] += ONE6TH * (y2 + z2x3) * yp[i] * log((xp[i]+r)/sqrt(y2+z2));
if (x2 > EPS || z2 > EPS)
ret[i] += ONE6TH * (x2 + z2x3) * xp[i] * log((yp[i]+r)/sqrt(x2+z2));
/* Atan term */
if ((z != 0))
ret[i] -= z3d3 * (atan((xp[i]*yp[i])/(r*z)));
/* Decide to add or subtract
* Add the first and last, subtract the middle two. */
tot += (ret[0] - ret[1] - ret[2] + ret[3]) * Qweights[k];
return tot * len2 * wid2;
/* Extract the governing directional vectors from the TV matrix
* We use #define here to avoid unnecessarily creating / destroying pointers
#define L2V (TV[0]+ax)
#define W2V (TV[1]+ax)
#define H2V (TV[2]+ax)
double sixface(int ax, double TV[3][5], double *Db, double *Dt, double len1,
double wid1, double *v) {
/* Calculate dot products of the normal of this current plane with the
* plane normals of cuboid 2 */
double dotx = TV[0][ax+2];
double doty = TV[1][ax+2];
double dotz = TV[2][ax+2];
double M = 0;
/* Compute the contributions of each plane if the dot product isnt zero
if (!nearzero(dotz)) {
M += dotz * (surf_integral(len1,wid1,Dt,L2V,W2V,-v[0],-v[1])
- surf_integral(len1,wid1,Db,L2V,W2V,v[0],v[1]));
if (!nearzero(doty)) {
M += doty * (surf_integral(len1,wid1,Dt,H2V,L2V,-v[2],-v[0])
- surf_integral(len1,wid1,Db,H2V,L2V,v[2],v[0]));
if (!nearzero(dotx)) {
M += dotx * (surf_integral(len1,wid1,Dt,W2V,H2V,-v[1],-v[2])
- surf_integral(len1,wid1,Db,W2V,H2V,v[1],v[2]));
return M;
double cuber(FILAMENT *fil1, FILAMENT *fil2) {
double u[5], v[5];
double TV[3][5], U[3][3], V[3][3], O[3];
double D2b[5], D2t[5];
double D1b[5] = {0,0,0,0,0};
double D1t[5] = {0,0,0,0,0};
/* Temporary variables */
double wid12, wid22, hei12, hei22;
int i,j; /* column, row*/
double M = 0;
/* Source dimensions vector*/
u[0] = fil1->length; u[1] = fil1->width; u[2] = fil1->height;
u[3]=u[0]; u[4]=u[1];
/* Source basis matrix*/
U[0][0] = fil1->lenvect[0] / u[0];
U[0][1] = fil1->lenvect[1] / u[0];
U[0][2] = fil1->lenvect[2] / u[0];
/* Target dimensions vector*/
v[0] = fil2->length; v[1] = fil2->width; v[2] = fil2->height;
v[3]=v[0]; v[4]=v[1];
/* Target basis matrix*/
V[0][0] = fil2->lenvect[0] / v[0];
V[0][1] = fil2->lenvect[1] / v[0];
V[0][2] = fil2->lenvect[2] / v[0];
/* Distance between the origins (center of filaments, not corners) */
O[0] = fil2->x[0] - fil1->x[0];
O[1] = fil2->y[0] - fil1->y[0];
O[2] = fil2->z[0] - fil1->z[0];
* Set up rotation matrices. See the accompanying matlab files for details
wid12 = u[1]/2; wid22 = v[1]/2; hei12 = u[2]/2; hei22 = v[2]/2;
for (i=0;i<3;i++) { /* Cols of U, V, TV, gives ux, uy, uz etc */
/* Adjust for offset. After this, O[i] is now dist btwn corners*/
O[i] += U[1][i]*wid12 - V[1][i]*wid22 + U[2][i]*hei12 - V[2][i]*hei22;
for (j=0;j<3;j++) { /* Rows of U, V, TV, gives inner dimensions */
/* Form TV*/
TV[i][j] = U[j][0]*V[i][0] + U[j][1]*V[i][1] + U[j][2]*V[i][2];
/* Form D1b */
D1b[j] += U[j][i]*O[i];
/* Replicate the rows */
TV[i][3] = TV[i][0];
TV[i][4] = TV[i][1];
/*mexPrintf("TV[%d]: %g %g %g %g %g\n", i, TV[i][0], TV[i][1], TV[i][2], TV[i][3], TV[i][4]);*/
/* Replicate the rows */
D1b[3] = D1b[0];
D1b[4] = D1b[1];
for (i=0;i<5;i++) {
/* Form D1t */
D1t[i] = D1b[i];
for (j=0;j<3;j++)
D1t[i] += TV[j][i] * v[j];
/* Form D2b and D2t */
D2b[i] = D1b[i] - u[i];
D2t[i] = D1t[i] - u[i];
/* Do the faces for each governing axis*/
for (i=0;i<3;i++) {
/* Front face*/
M += sixface(i,TV,D1b+i,D1t+i,u[i],u[i+1],v);
/* Rear face*/
M -= sixface(i,TV,D2b+i,D2t+i,-u[i],-u[i+1],v);
/* NB: TV[0][0] = dot(ux,vx) */
return M * TV[0][0] / (2.0*u[1]*u[2]*v[1]*v[2]);
/* mutual.c
* Adapted from Matt's code
#include "mutual.h"
int num_mutualfil = 0;
int num_perp = 0;
int num_fourfil = 0;
int num_exact_mutual = 0;
int num_self = 0;
int num_quadFil = 0;*/
enum degen_type {brick = 0, flat = 1, skinny = 2, too_long = 3, too_short = 4,
short_flat = 5, short_skinny = 6, impossible = 7};
/* Degenerate cases */
double brick_to_brick();
double parallel_fils();
double flat_to_flat_tape();
double flat_to_skinny_tape();
/* Exact terms: close-distance brick to brick */
double exact_mutual();
double parallel_fils(FILAMENT *fil_j, FILAMENT *fil_m,
int whperp, double *x_j, double *y_j, double dist);
/* Fourfil: mid-distance brick to brick */
void findfourfils();
double fourfil(FILAMENT *fil_j, FILAMENT *fil_m);
/* Selfterm: brick self to brick self */
double selfterm(FILAMENT *fil);
/* Mutualfil: filament to filament */
double mutualfil(FILAMENT *fil1, FILAMENT *fil2);
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Filament Utility Functions */
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* calculates direction of width if not specified */
void get_wid(fil, wid)
double *wid;
double wx,wy,wz;
double mag;
if (fil->widvect != NULL) {
wx = fil->widvect[XX]/fil->width;
wy = fil->widvect[YY]/fil->width;
wz = fil->widvect[ZZ]/fil->width;
else {
/* default for width direction is in x-y plane perpendic to length*/
/* so do cross product with unit z*/
wx = -(fil->y[1] - fil->y[0])*1.0;
wy = (fil->x[1] - fil->x[0])*1.0;
wz = 0;
if (fabs(wx/fil->length) < EPS && fabs(wy/fil->length) < EPS) {
/* if all of x-y is perpendic to length, then choose x direction */
wx = 1.0;
wy = 0;
mag = sqrt(wx*wx + wy*wy + wz*wz);
wx = wx/mag;
wy = wy/mag;
wz = wz/mag;
wid[XX] = wx;
wid[YY] = wy;
wid[ZZ] = wz;
/* calculates direction of height */
void get_height(fil, wid, height)
double *wid, *height;
double wx = wid[XX];
double wy = wid[YY];
double wz = wid[ZZ];
double hx,hy,hz, mag;
hx = -wy*(fil->z[1] - fil->z[0]) + (fil->y[1] - fil->y[0])*wz;
hy = -wz*(fil->x[1] - fil->x[0]) + (fil->z[1] - fil->z[0])*wx;
hz = -wx*(fil->y[1] - fil->y[0]) + (fil->x[1] - fil->x[0])*wy;
mag = sqrt(hx*hx + hy*hy + hz*hz);
hx = hx/mag;
hy = hy/mag;
hz = hz/mag;
height[XX] = hx;
height[YY] = hy;
height[ZZ] = hz;
/* returns the minimum distance between an endpt of fil1 and one of fil2 */
double min_endpt_sep(fil1,fil2)
FILAMENT *fil1, *fil2;
double min, tmp;
int idx1, idx2;
idx1 = 0;
idx2 = 0;
min = dist_between(fil1->x[idx1],fil1->y[idx1],fil1->z[idx1],
idx1 = 1;
idx2 = 0;
tmp = dist_between(fil1->x[idx1],fil1->y[idx1],fil1->z[idx1],
if (tmp < min) min = tmp;
idx1 = 0;
idx2 = 1;
tmp = dist_between(fil1->x[idx1],fil1->y[idx1],fil1->z[idx1],
if (tmp < min) min = tmp;
idx1 = 1;
idx2 = 1;
tmp = dist_between(fil1->x[idx1],fil1->y[idx1],fil1->z[idx1],
if (tmp < min) min = tmp;
return min;
/* this finds the shortest distance between the line defined by
r = s + tnew*D, t in [0,1] (which is along fil_line) and the endpoint
on fil which is closer to fil_line (determined by the value of t) */
double dist_betw_pt_and_fil(fil_line, D, s, DD, fil,t)
FILAMENT *fil_line, *fil;
double *D, *s, t, DD;
double e[3], sme[3], x,y,z;
double tnew, Dsme;
int idx;
if (t < 0) {
e[XX] = fil->x[0];
e[YY] = fil->y[0];
e[ZZ] = fil->z[0];
else if (t > 1) {
e[XX] = fil->x[1];
e[YY] = fil->y[1];
e[ZZ] = fil->z[1];
else {
/*fprintf(stderr, "Internal err: dist_bet_pt_and_fil: why is t = %lg?\n", t); */
mexPrintf("Usage error!!");
sme[XX] = s[XX] - e[XX];
sme[YY] = s[YY] - e[YY];
sme[ZZ] = s[ZZ] - e[ZZ];
Dsme = vdotp(D,sme);
tnew = -Dsme/DD;
if (tnew <= 1 && tnew >= 0) {
/* This will be the case when a small fil is near a big one (fil_line).*/
/* Calculate r = (s - e) + tnew*D */
return sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z);
else {
/* just find the distance between the nearest endpt and e[] */
if (tnew < 0)
idx = 0;
idx = 1;
return dist_between(e[XX], e[YY], e[ZZ],
fil_line->x[idx], fil_line->y[idx], fil_line->z[idx]);
double dist_betw_fils(fil1, fil2, parallel)
FILAMENT *fil1, *fil2;
int *parallel;
double x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2;
double D1[3], D2[3], s1[3], s2[3], t1, t2, s1ms2[3];
double D1D1, D1D2, D2D2, D1s1s2, D2s1s2;
double tmp1;
s1[XX] = fil1->x[0];
s1[YY] = fil1->y[0];
s1[ZZ] = fil1->z[0];
s2[XX] = fil2->x[0];
s2[YY] = fil2->y[0];
s2[ZZ] = fil2->z[0];
s1ms2[XX] = s1[XX] - s2[XX];
s1ms2[YY] = s1[YY] - s2[YY];
s1ms2[ZZ] = s1[ZZ] - s2[ZZ];
getD(fil1, D1);
getD(fil2, D2);
D1D1 = vdotp(D1,D1);
D1D2 = vdotp(D1,D2);
D2D2 = vdotp(D2,D2);
D1s1s2 = vdotp(D1,s1ms2);
D2s1s2 = vdotp(D2,s1ms2);
tmp1 = D1D2*D1D2/D1D1 - D2D2;
if (fabs(tmp1/D2D2) < EPS) {
/* fils are parallel */
*parallel = 1;
return min_endpt_sep(fil1,fil2);
*parallel = 0;
t2 = (D1D2*D1s1s2/D1D1 - D2s1s2)/tmp1;
t1 = (t2*D1D2 - D1s1s2)/D1D1;
if (t1 <= 1 && t1 >= 0) {
if (t2 <= 1 && t2 >= 0) {
return dist_between(x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2);
/* nearest point along fil2 is outside line segment defining filament */
return dist_betw_pt_and_fil(fil1, D1, s1, D1D1, fil2,t2);
else {
if (t2 <= 1 && t2 >= 0) {
/* nearest point along fil1 is outside line segment defining filament */
return dist_betw_pt_and_fil(fil2, D2, s2, D2D2, fil1,t1);
/* both point are out of range, just compare endpoints */
return min_endpt_sep(fil1,fil2);
/* This assumes the lengths of the fils are parallel and returns 1 if the
side faces are parallel also */
int edges_parallel(fil_j, fil_m, wid1, whperp)
FILAMENT *fil_j, *fil_m;
int *whperp;
double *wid1;
double *wid_j=fil_j->widvect;
double *wid_m=fil_m->widvect;
double wid2[3];
double prod,mj,mm;
if (wid_j == NULL && wid_m == NULL) {
/* both have unspecified width directions and their lengths are assumed
parallel, so they are parallel */
*whperp = 0;
return TRUE;
else {
if (wid_j == NULL) {
/* get_wid(fil_j, wid1); */
wid_j = wid1;
if (wid_m == NULL) {
get_wid(fil_m, wid2);
wid_m = wid2;
mj = mag(wid_j[XX],wid_j[YY],wid_j[ZZ]);
mm = mag(wid_m[XX],wid_m[YY],wid_m[ZZ]);
prod = dotp(wid_j[XX],wid_j[YY],wid_j[ZZ],wid_m[XX],wid_m[YY],wid_m[ZZ])
/ (mm*mj);
if (fabs(prod) < EPS) {
*whperp = 1; /* width and height are perpend. to that on other fil*/
return TRUE;
else if (fabs( fabs(prod) - 1 ) < EPS) {
*whperp = 0;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Degenerate expressions */
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#define LEN 4
#define WID 2
#define HEIGHT 1
double brick_to_brick(E,a,d,P,b,c,l3,l1,l2)
double E,a,d,P,b,c,l3,l1,l2;
double q[4], r[4], s[4], totalM;
int i,j,k, sign2;
double eval_eq();
fill_4(q, E,a,d);
fill_4(r, P,b,c);
fill_4(s, l3,l1,l2);
totalM = 0;
for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
for(j = 0; j < 4; j++)
for(k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
sign2 = ( (i+j+k)%2 == 0 ? 1 : -1);
totalM += sign2*eval_eq(q[i],r[j],s[k], a);
return totalM;
double flat_to_flat_tape(E,a,d,P,l3,l1,l2)
double E,a,d,P,l3,l1,l2;
double q[4], s[4], totalM;
int i,k, sign2;
double eval_eq_tape();
fill_4(q, E,a,d);
fill_4(s, l3,l1,l2);
totalM = 0;
for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
for(k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
sign2 = ( (i+k)%2 == 0 ? 1 : -1);
totalM += sign2*eval_eq_tape(q[i],P,s[k], a);
return totalM;
double eval_eq_tape(x,y,z,ref_len)
double x,y,z, ref_len;
static double > double retval;
double len, xsq, ysq, zsq;
double one_over_ref_len, one_over_ref_len_sq;
int num_nearzero_sq;
(fabs(x) + fabs(y) + fabs(z)));
xsq = x*x;
ysq = y*y;
zsq = z*z;
len = sqrt(xsq + ysq + zsq);
retval = -one_6*len*(xsq - 2*ysq + zsq);
num_nearzero_sq = nearzero(xsq*one_over_ref_len_sq)
+ nearzero(ysq*one_over_ref_len_sq)
+ nearzero(zsq*one_over_ref_len_sq);
if (num_nearzero_sq < 2)
retval += 0.5*( (xsq - ysq)*z*log(z + len) + (zsq - ysq)*x*log(x + len) );
if (!nearzero(y*one_over_ref_len))
retval -= x*y*z*atan(x*z/(y*len));
return retval;
double flat_to_skinny_tape(E,a,P,c,l3,l1,l2)
double E,a,P,c,l3,l1,l2;
double q[2], r[2], s[4], totalM;
int i,j,k, sign2;
double eval_eq_tape2();
q[0] = E;
q[1] = E - a;
r[0] = P + c;
r[1] = P;
fill_4(s, l3,l1,l2);
totalM = 0;
for(i = 0; i < 2; i++)
for(j = 0; j < 2; j++)
for(k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
sign2 = ( (i+j+k)%2 == 0 ? 1 : -1);
totalM += sign2*eval_eq_tape2(q[i],r[j],s[k], a);
return totalM;
double eval_eq_tape2(x,y,z,ref_len)
double x,y,z, ref_len;
static double > static double > int num_nearzero;
double retval;
double len, xsq, ysq, zsq;
double one_over_ref_len, one_over_ref_len_sq;
double tan_tape();
int nzxsq, nzysq, nzzsq;
(fabs(x) + fabs(y) + fabs(z)));
xsq = x*x;
ysq = y*y;
zsq = z*z;
len = sqrt(xsq + ysq + zsq);
retval = -one_3*len*x*y;
nzxsq = nearzero(xsq*one_over_ref_len_sq);
nzysq = nearzero(ysq*one_over_ref_len_sq);
nzzsq = nearzero(zsq*one_over_ref_len_sq);
if (!(nzzsq && nzysq))
retval += (0.5*zsq - one_6*ysq)*y*log(x + len);
if (!(nzzsq && nzxsq))
retval += (0.5*zsq - one_6*xsq)*x*log(y + len);
if (!(nzzsq || nzysq || nzxsq))
retval += x*y*z*log(z + len);
num_nearzero = nearzero(x*one_over_ref_len)
+ nearzero(y*one_over_ref_len)
+ nearzero(z*one_over_ref_len);
if (num_nearzero < 1)
retval -= zsq*z*one_6*tan_tape(x,y,z,len)
+ 0.5*z*(xsq*tan_tape(y,z,x,len) + ysq*tan_tape(x,z,y,len));
return retval;
double tan_tape(x,y,z,len)
double x,y,z,len;
return atan(x*y/(z*len));
enum degen_type find_deg_dims(fil)
double max;
max = MAX(fil->length, fil->width);
max = MAX(max, fil->height);
return (fil->length/max < DEG_TOL)*LEN + (fil->width/max < DEG_TOL)*WID
+ (fil->height/max < DEG_TOL)*HEIGHT;
void setup_tape_to_tape(fil_j, fil_m, whperp, x_j, y_j, deg_j, deg_m,
nfil_j, nfil_m, nx_j, ny_j)
FILAMENT *fil_j, *fil_m, *nfil_j, *nfil_m;
int whperp;
double *x_j, *y_j, **nx_j, **ny_j; /* unit vectors in the fil coord sys */
enum degen_type deg_j, deg_m;
if (deg_j == flat) {
*nfil_j = *fil_j;
*nfil_m = *fil_m;
*nx_j = x_j;
*ny_j = y_j;
else if (deg_j == skinny) {
/* turn skinny into flat orientation */
*nfil_j = *fil_j;
*nfil_m = *fil_m;
/* swap coord sys */
*ny_j = x_j;
*nx_j = y_j;
/* swap height and width */
nfil_j->width = fil_j->height;
nfil_j->height = fil_j->width;
nfil_m->width = fil_m->height;
nfil_m->height = fil_m->width;
double compute_for_degenerate(fil_j, fil_m, whperp, x_j, y_j,
deg_j, deg_m, dist)
FILAMENT *fil_j, *fil_m;
int whperp;
double *x_j, *y_j; /* unit vectors in the fil coord sys */
enum degen_type deg_j, deg_m;
double dist;
FILAMENT nfil_j, nfil_m; /* new temp fils */
double *nx_j = NULL;
double *ny_j = NULL;
if (deg_j == brick && deg_m == brick) {
/* neither is degenerate, this shouldn't happen */
fprintf(stderr,"Hey, compute_degenerate was called, impossible!\n");
if ((deg_j == flat || deg_j == skinny)&&(deg_m == flat || deg_m == skinny)){
&nfil_j,&nfil_m, &nx_j, &ny_j);
return exact_mutual(&nfil_j, &nfil_m, whperp, nx_j, ny_j, deg_j, deg_m);
else if ( (deg_m == brick && (deg_j == flat || deg_j == skinny))
|| (deg_j == brick && (deg_m == flat || deg_m == skinny)))
return exact_mutual(&nfil_j, &nfil_m, whperp, nx_j, ny_j, deg_j, deg_m);
else if ( deg_j == too_long && deg_m == too_long)
return fourfil(fil_j, fil_m);
else if (deg_j == too_long || deg_j == too_long)
return fourfil(fil_j, fil_m);
return fourfil(fil_j, fil_m);
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* exact mutual inductance based on C. Hoer and C.Love,
Journal of the National Bureau of Standards-C, Vol. 69C, p 127-137, 1965.*/
#define log_term(x, xsq, ysq, zsq, len) \
(((6*(zsq) - (ysq))*(ysq) - (zsq)*(zsq))*(x)*log( ((x) + (len))/sqrt((ysq) + (zsq))))
#define tan_term(x, y, z, zsq, len) \
double eval_eq(double x, double y, double z, double ref_len)
static double > static double > static double > double retval;
double len, xsq, ysq, zsq;
int num_nearzero;
int num_nearzero_sq;
double one_over_ref_len;
double one_over_ref_len_sq;
(fabs(x) + fabs(y) + fabs(z)));
xsq = x*x;
ysq = y*y;
zsq = z*z;
len = sqrt(xsq + ysq + zsq);
retval = one_60*len
*(xsq*(xsq - 3*ysq) + ysq*(ysq - 3*zsq) + zsq*(zsq - 3*xsq));
num_nearzero = nearzero(x*one_over_ref_len)
+ nearzero(y*one_over_ref_len)
+ nearzero(z*one_over_ref_len);
num_nearzero_sq = nearzero(xsq*one_over_ref_len_sq)
+ nearzero(ysq*one_over_ref_len_sq)
+ nearzero(zsq*one_over_ref_len_sq);
if (num_nearzero_sq < 2)
retval += one_24*(log_term(x, xsq, ysq, zsq, len)
+ log_term(y, ysq, xsq, zsq, len)
+ log_term(z, zsq, xsq, ysq, len));
if (num_nearzero < 1)
retval -= one_6*(tan_term(x,y,z,zsq,len) + tan_term(x,z,y,ysq,len)
+ tan_term(z,y,x,xsq,len));
return retval;
double exact_mutual(FILAMENT *fil_j, FILAMENT *fil_m,
int whperp,
double *x_j, double *y_j, /* unit vectors in the fil coord sys */
int deg_j, int deg_m)
double z_j[3]; /* unit vectors in the filament coord sys*/
double origin[3];
double ox,oy,oz, length;
double a,b,c,d,l1,l2,l3,E,P, l3_1;
double endx, endy, endz;
int sign;
double totalM=0;
int a_deg, b_deg, c_deg, d_deg;
length = fil_j->length;
z_j[XX] = fil_j->lenvect[XX]/length;
z_j[YY] = fil_j->lenvect[YY]/length;
z_j[ZZ] = fil_j->lenvect[ZZ]/length;
a = fil_j->width;
b = fil_j->height;
if (whperp == 0) {
c = fil_m->height;
d = fil_m->width;
else {
d = fil_m->height;
c = fil_m->width;
ox = origin[XX] = fil_j->x[0] - x_j[XX]*a/2 - y_j[XX]*b/2;
oy = origin[YY] = fil_j->y[0] - x_j[YY]*a/2 - y_j[YY]*b/2;
oz = origin[ZZ] = fil_j->z[0] - x_j[ZZ]*a/2 - y_j[ZZ]*b/2;
endx = fil_m->x[0] - ox;
endy = fil_m->y[0] - oy;
endz = fil_m->z[0] - oz;
E = dotp(x_j[XX], x_j[YY], x_j[ZZ], endx, endy, endz) - d/2;
P = dotp(y_j[XX], y_j[YY], y_j[ZZ], endx, endy, endz) - c/2;
l3 = dotp(z_j[XX], z_j[YY], z_j[ZZ], endx, endy, endz);
l3_1 = dotp(z_j[XX], z_j[YY], z_j[ZZ],fil_m->x[1] - ox, fil_m->y[1] - oy,
fil_m->z[1] - oz);
l1 = fil_j->length;
l2 = fil_m->length;
if ( fabs(fabs(l3 - l3_1) - l2)/l2 > EPS) {
/*fprintf(stderr, "Huh? filament not expected length\n"); */
/*exit1); */
if (l3 <= l3_1)
sign = 1;
else {
sign = -1;
l3 = l3_1;
a_deg = a/MAX(l1,b) < DEG_TOL;
b_deg = b/MAX(l1,a) < DEG_TOL;
c_deg = c/MAX(l2,d) < DEG_TOL;
d_deg = d/MAX(l2,c) < DEG_TOL;
if (a_deg && b_deg && c_deg && d_deg) {
/* two long filaments */
totalM = fourfil(fil_j, fil_m)/(sign*MUOVER4PI);
else if (!a_deg && b_deg && c_deg && d_deg) {
/* one flat and one long */
/*totalM = tape_to_fil(E + d/2, a, P - b/2 + c/2,l3,l1,l2) / a; */
mexPrintf("FastHenry never implemented tape to fil, but it should never have gotten here either.\n");
else if (!a_deg && b_deg && c_deg && !d_deg) {
/* two flat */
totalM = flat_to_flat_tape(E,a,d,P - b/2 + c/2 ,l3,l1,l2) / (a * d);
else if (!a_deg && b_deg && !c_deg && d_deg) {
/* one flat and one skinny */
totalM = flat_to_skinny_tape(E + d/2,a,P - b/2 ,c,l3,l1,l2) / (a * c);
else if (!a_deg && !b_deg && c_deg && d_deg) {
/* totalM = brick_to_fil(E + d/2,a,P + c/2,b,l3,l1,l2) / (a * b); */
mexPrintf("FastHenry never implemented brick to fil, but it should never have gotten here either.\n");
else if (deg_j != brick || deg_m != brick) {
/*fprintf(stderr,"Internal Error: Bad Degenerate filament a/l1<tol\n"); */
/*fprintf(stderr,"Using fourfil() instead...\n"); */
totalM = fourfil(fil_j, fil_m)/(sign*MUOVER4PI);
else {
/* all that are left are bricks */
/* this is the full 3-D filament calculation, no degeneracies */
totalM = brick_to_brick(E,a,d,P,b,c,l3,l1,l2)/ (a * b * c * d);}
return sign*MUOVER4PI*totalM;
int realcos_error = 0;
void print_infinity_warning(fil1, fil2)
FILAMENT *fil1, *fil2;
mexPrintf("Severe warning: mutual inductance = infinity for two filaments:\n");
/*fprintf(stderr,"Severe warning: mutual inductance = infinity for two filaments:\n"); */
fil = fil1;
mexPrintf(" fil 1: O1=[%lg, %lg, %lg] L1=[%lg, %lg, %lg]\n W1=[%lg, %lg, %lg] hei1=%lg\n",
fil->widvect[0], fil->widvect[1], fil->widvect[2], fil->height);
fil = fil2;
mexPrintf(" fil 2: O1=[%lg, %lg, %lg] L2=[%lg, %lg, %lg]\n W2=[%lg, %lg, %lg] hei2=%lg\n",
fil->widvect[0], fil->widvect[1], fil->widvect[2], fil->height);
mexPrintf("Probably because there are overlapping but non-orthogonal segments in the input\n");
double parallel_fils(fil_j, fil_m, whperp, x_j, y_j, dist)
FILAMENT *fil_j, *fil_m;
int whperp;
double *x_j, *y_j; /* unit vectors in the fil coord sys */
double dist;
enum degen_type deg_j, deg_m;
/* find degenerate dimensions */
deg_j = find_deg_dims(fil_j);
deg_m = find_deg_dims(fil_m);
if (deg_j == brick && deg_m == brick) {
/* no degenerate dimensions, both are bricks */
return exact_mutual(fil_j, fil_m, whperp, x_j, y_j, deg_j, deg_m);
else {
return compute_for_degenerate(fil_j, fil_m, whperp, x_j, y_j,
deg_j, deg_m, dist);
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* FOURFIL() */
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* calculates mid-distance interactions by the four filament quadrature approximation */
void findfourfils(fil, subfils)
FILAMENT *fil, subfils[4];
double hx,hy,hz,mag,wx,wy,wz;
int i;
if (fil->widvect != NULL) {
wx = fil->widvect[XX]/fil->width;
wy = fil->widvect[YY]/fil->width;
wz = fil->widvect[ZZ]/fil->width;
else {
/* default for width direction is in x-y plane perpendic to length*/
/* so do cross product with unit z*/
wx = -(fil->y[1] - fil->y[0])*1.0;
wy = (fil->x[1] - fil->x[0])*1.0;
wz = 0;
if ( fabs(wx/fil->length) < EPS && fabs(wy/fil->length) < EPS) {
/* if all of x-y is perpendic to length, then choose x direction */
wx = 1.0;
wy = 0;
mag = sqrt(wx*wx + wy*wy + wz*wz);
wx = wx/mag;
wy = wy/mag;
wz = wz/mag;
hx = -wy*(fil->z[1] - fil->z[0]) + (fil->y[1] - fil->y[0])*wz;
hy = -wz*(fil->x[1] - fil->x[0]) + (fil->z[1] - fil->z[0])*wx;
hz = -wx*(fil->y[1] - fil->y[0]) + (fil->x[1] - fil->x[0])*wy;
mag = sqrt(hx*hx + hy*hy + hz*hz);
hx = hx/mag;
hy = hy/mag;
hz = hz/mag;
/* all mutualfil needs are the filament coordinates and length */
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
subfils[0].x[i] = fil->x[i] + fil->width*wx/2;
subfils[0].y[i] = fil->y[i] + fil->width*wy/2;
subfils[0].z[i] = fil->z[i] + fil->width*wz/2;
subfils[1].x[i] = fil->x[i] - fil->width*wx/2;
subfils[1].y[i] = fil->y[i] - fil->width*wy/2;
subfils[1].z[i] = fil->z[i] - fil->width*wz/2;
subfils[2].x[i] = fil->x[i] + fil->height*hx/2;
subfils[2].y[i] = fil->y[i] + fil->height*hy/2;
subfils[2].z[i] = fil->z[i] + fil->height*hz/2;
subfils[3].x[i] = fil->x[i] - fil->height*hx/2;
subfils[3].y[i] = fil->y[i] - fil->height*hy/2;
subfils[3].z[i] = fil->z[i] - fil->height*hz/2;
for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
subfils[i].length = fil->length;
double fourfil(fil_j, fil_m)
FILAMENT *fil_j, *fil_m;
FILAMENT subfilj[4], subfilm[4];
double totalM;
int i;
/* approximate 'filament' with width and length as a combination */
/* of four filaments on the midpoints of the edges */
/* Known as the Rayleigh Quadrature formula. Grover p.11 */
findfourfils(fil_j, subfilj);
findfourfils(fil_m, subfilm);
totalM = 0.0;
for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
totalM += mutualfil(fil_j, &subfilm[i]);
for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
totalM += mutualfil(fil_m, &subfilj[i]);
totalM += -2.0*mutualfil(fil_j, fil_m);
totalM = totalM/6.0;
return totalM;
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* SELFTERM() */
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* calculates selfinductance of rectangular filament */
/* it uses an exact _expression_ for the 6-fold integral from Ruehli */
double self(W,L,T)
double W,L,T;
double w,t,aw,at,ar,r, z;
w = W/L;
t = T/L;
r = sqrt(w*w+t*t);
aw = sqrt(w*w+1.0);
at = sqrt(t*t+1.0);
ar = sqrt(w*w+t*t+1.0);
z = 0.25 * ((1/w) * asinh(w/at) + (1/t) * asinh(t/aw) + asinh(1/r));
z += (1/24.0) * ((t*t/w) * asinh(w/(t*at*(r+ar))) + (w*w/t) * asinh(t/(w*aw*(r+ar))) +
((t*t)/(w*w)) * asinh(w*w/(t*r*(at+ar))) + ((w*w)/(t*t))*asinh(t*t/(w*r*(aw+ar))) +
(1.0/(w*t*t)) * asinh(w*t*t/(at*(aw+ar))) + (1.0/(t*w*w))*asinh(t*w*w/(aw*(at+ar))));
z -= (1.0/6.0) * ((1.0/(w*t)) * atan(w*t/ar) + (t/w) * atan(w/(t*ar)) + (w/t) * atan(t/(w*ar)));
z -= (1.0/60.0) * ( ((ar+r+t+at)*t*t)/((ar+r)*(r+t)*(t+at)*(at+ar))
+ ((ar+r+w+aw)*(w*w)) / ((ar+r)*(r+w)*(w+aw)*(aw+ar))
+ (ar+aw+1+at)/((ar+aw)*(aw+1)*(1+at)*(at+ar)));
z -= (1.0/20.0)*((1.0/(r+ar)) + (1.0/(aw+ar)) + (1.0/(at+ar)));
z *= (2.0/PI);
z *= L; /* this is inductance */
#pragma omp atomic
return MU0*z;
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* calculates the mutual inductance between two filaments
from Grover, Chapter 7
this gives the mutual inductance of two filaments who represent
opposite sides of a rectangle */
#define mut_rect(len, d) (sqrt((len)*(len) + (d)*(d)) - (len)*asinh((len)/(d)))
#define REPORTFIL(fil1,fil2) mexPrintf("fil1: x=%g y=%g z=%g, fil2:x=%g y=%g z=%g\n",\
double mutualfil(fil1, fil2)
FILAMENT *fil1, *fil2;
static double cose;
/* R is the vector from fil1 start to fil2 start */
double Rx = fil2->x[0] - fil1->x[0];
double Ry = fil2->y[0] - fil1->y[0];
double Rz = fil2->z[0] - fil1->z[0];
double R1sq = magdiff2(fil1,1,fil2,1);
double R2sq = magdiff2(fil1,1,fil2,0);
double R3sq = Rx*Rx + Ry*Ry + Rz*Rz;
double R4sq = magdiff2(fil1,0,fil2,1);
double R1 = sqrt(R1sq);
double R2 = sqrt(R2sq);
double R3 = sqrt(R3sq);
double R4 = sqrt(R4sq);
double minR = MIN(MIN(MIN(R1,R2),R3),R4);
double l = fil1->length;
double m = fil2->length;
/* segments touching */
if (nearzero(minR)) {
double R;
if (fabs(R1) < EPS) R = R3;
else if (fabs(R2) < EPS) R = R4;
else if (fabs(R3) < EPS) R = R1;
else R = R2;
return MUOVER4PI*2*(dotprod(fil1,fil2)/(l*m))
*(l*atanh(m/(l+R)) + m*atanh(l/(m+R)));
/* note: dotprod should take care of signofM */
/* let's use the real cosine */
cose = dotprod(fil1, fil2)/(l*m);
/* Segments are perpendicular! */
if (nearzero(cose))
return 0.0;
/* filaments parallel */
if (nearzero(fabs(cose) - 1)) {
/* Declare all our parallel-related variables. */
double vx, vy, vz;
double x2_0, x2_1;
/* determine a vector in the direction of d with length d */
/* (d is the distance between the lines made by the filament */
/* u is the vector from fil1 start to fil1 end */
double ux = (fil1->x[1] - fil1->x[0])/l;
double uy = (fil1->y[1] - fil1->y[0])/l;
double uz = (fil1->z[1] - fil1->z[0])/l;
double dotp = ux*Rx + uy*Ry + uz*Rz; /* component of R in direction of fil1 */
/* d vector is R vector without its component in the direction of fils */
double dx = Rx - dotp*ux;
double dy = Ry - dotp*uy;
double dz = Rz - dotp*uz;
double x1_1 = l; /* Declare this to be a double for the precision it provides. */
double d = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz);
/* x2_0 = dotprod( fil2.node0 - (fil1.node0 + d), u ) */
/* (dotproduct just gives it correct sign) */
vx = (fil2->x[0] - ( fil1->x[0] + dx));
vy = (fil2->y[0] - ( fil1->y[0] + dy));
vz = (fil2->z[0] - ( fil1->z[0] + dz));
x2_0 = vx*ux + vy*uy + vz*uz;
/* same thing for x2_1 */
vx = (fil2->x[1] - ( fil1->x[0] + dx));
vy = (fil2->y[1] - ( fil1->y[0] + dy));
vz = (fil2->z[1] - ( fil1->z[0] + dz));
x2_1 = vx*ux + vy*uy + vz*uz;
/* let fil1 be the x axis, with node 0 being origin and u be */
/* its positive direction */
if (nearzero(d)) { /* collinear! */
return MUOVER4PI*(fabs(x2_1)*log(fabs(x2_1))
- fabs(x2_1 - x1_1)*log(fabs(x2_1 - x1_1))
- fabs(x2_0)*log(fabs(x2_0))
+ fabs(x2_0 - x1_1)*log(fabs(x2_0 - x1_1)) );
} /* end collinear */
return MUOVER4PI*(mut_rect(x2_1 - x1_1,d) - mut_rect(x2_1,d)
- mut_rect(x2_0 - x1_1,d) + mut_rect(x2_0,d) );
} else { /* end if parallel filaments */
/* Fill up the rest of the variables needed */
double maxR = MAX(MAX(MAX(R1,R2),R3),R4);
double maxlength = (l > m ? l : m);
double alpha = R4sq - R3sq + R2sq - R1sq;
/* the rest if for arbitrary filaments */
double l2 = l*l;
double m2 = m*m;
double alpha2 = alpha*alpha;
double u = l*(2*m2*(R2sq -R3sq - l2) + alpha*(R4sq - R3sq - m2))
/ (4*l2*m2 - alpha2);
double v = m* (2*l2*(R4sq - R3sq - m2) + alpha*(R2sq - R3sq - l2))
/ (4*l2*m2 - alpha2);
double u2 = u*u;
double v2 = v*v;
double sinesq = 1.0 - cose*cose;
double sine = sqrt(sinesq);
double omega, tmp1, tmp2;
double d = (R3sq - u2 - v2 + 2*u*v*cose);
if (nearzero(d/(R3sq + u2 + v2 + 1)*(maxlength*maxlength/(maxR*maxR))))
d = 0.0;
d = sqrt(d);
tmp1 = d*d*cose;
tmp2 = d*sine;
/* sine will never be zero because we have already checked */
/* for (nearzero(fabs(cose) - 1)) above */
if (fabs(d) < EPS)
omega = 0.0; /* d is zero, so it doesn't matter */
omega = atan2( (tmp1 + (u+l)*(v + m)*sinesq),(tmp2*R1))
- atan2( (tmp1 + (u + l)*v*sinesq),(tmp2*R2))
+ atan2( (tmp1 + u*v*sinesq),(tmp2*R3))
- atan2( (tmp1 + u*(v + m)*sinesq),(tmp2*R4) );
return MUOVER4PI*cose*(2*( (u+l)*atanh( m/(R1 + R2))
+(v+m)*atanh( l/(R1 + R4))
- u*atanh( m/(R3 + R4))
- v*atanh( l/(R2 + R3)) ) - omega*d/sine );
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* The main working function MUTUAL() */
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* calculates mutual inductance of "filaments" with width and height */
/* as a combination of filament approximations */
double mutual(fil_j, fil_m)
FILAMENT *fil_j, *fil_m;
double totalM;
double dist, rj, rm;
int parallel, whperp;
int edge_par = FALSE; /* Edge parallel checker */
double widj[3], heightj[3];
dist = dist_betw_fils(fil_j, fil_m, ¶llel);
rj = MAX(fil_j->width, fil_j->height)/2.0;
rm = MAX(fil_m->width, fil_m->height)/2.0;
/* MUTUALFIL if filaments are far apart. */
if (MAX(rj,rm)*100 < dist) {
/*#pragma omp atomic
totalM = mutualfil(fil_j, fil_m);
} else { /* close by */
if (parallel == 1) {
/* PARALLEL, check for edges parallel */
get_wid(fil_j, widj);
get_height(fil_j, widj, heightj);
edge_par = edges_parallel(fil_j,fil_m,widj,&whperp);
else {
/* PERPENDICULAR, set to zero. */
if ( fabs(vdotp(fil_j->lenvect,fil_m->lenvect))
/(fil_j->length*fil_m->length) < EPS ) {
/*#pragma omp atomic
totalM = 0.0;
/* EXACT_MUTUAL for close, edge-parallel fils */
if (edge_par && 2*MAX(rj,rm)*10 > dist){
/*#pragma omp atomic
totalM = parallel_fils(fil_j, fil_m, whperp, widj, heightj, dist);
} else {
/* CUBER for all other filaments
* Fourfil is removed because it causes massive errors!
totalM = MUOVER4PI*cuber(fil_j, fil_m);
//} else {
/* FOURFIL for all other filaments */
/*#pragma omp atomic
// totalM = fourfil(fil_j, fil_m);
if (totalM != totalM) // Hits a nan
totalM = fourfil(fil_j, fil_m);
if (!finite(totalM))
print_infinity_warning(fil_j, fil_m);
return totalM;
In compilation I get an error:
In file included from mutual.c:4:
mutual.h:10: note: #pragma message: Parallelism enabled in compilation!
mutual.c: In function ‘compute_for_degenerate’:
mutual.c:514: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function ‘fprintf’
mutual.c:514: error: ‘stderr’ undeclared (first use in this function)
mutual.c:514: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
mutual.c:514: error: for each function it appears in.)
warning: mkoctfile exited with failure status
warning: called from
mkoctfile at line 172 column 5
I have checked if all header files are includded seems all fine.
Shall be nice if someone helps ....
Your sincerely;
Engineer Mohammad Ali Khan
Master of Science in Computational Engineering (Mechatronics)
University of Erlangen, Bavaria