Hii i need help and i did not any answer to my problem
i have this script that should run octave to plot data
now it did not work it just ran octave and waited it did not execute the commands so i made 2 separate scripts , in the first one i just call the: octave script.sh argument
where script.sh is my octave script but still it did not execute the commands because of a problem with my argument and i do not know how to solve it
here is my script.sh
# example octave script
arg_list = argv ();
num = str2int(arg_list{0});
M = dlmread("/dev/shm/waitingTime"$num".txt"); ------> error appears here at num
x = M(:,1);
y = M(:,2);
WT = stem(x,y);
`saveas(WT, "/dev/shm/wt"$1".pdf");`
M = dlmread('/dev/shm/thinkingTime'$1'.txt');
x = M(:,1);
y = M(:,2);
TT = stem(x,y);
`saveas(TT, "/dev/shm/TT"$1".pdf");`
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