From: Tilek Aberra
To: "address@hidden"
Date: 2015/6/19, Fri 07:18
Subject: Re: GNU Octave 3.8.2 builds for Windows - possible to find>---
Dear Octave Developers,
I was very kin to find the binaries / exe file of Octave 3.8.2 build for
windows, as somehow whatever available now in octave forge is either for Ver
3.6.x earlier or Ver 4.0. I was particularly interested to get hold of ver
3,8.2 as I came to know another software (Coolprop) built on Ver 3.8.2 is the
only that has been hassle free.
Alternatively, I appreciate if one can guide me how I can build one from ver
3.8.2 gun zip (linux version - which is easily available in octave forge) for
32 bit Windows 7.
Your help is much appreciated,
There were no official binaries of octave 3.8 for windows and unofficial
binaries existed. Unfortunately they were dropped from web site when official
binary of 4.0.0 was released.
I would even be fine to get the unofficial version. Can you advise who I should
contact even to get the dropbox link or similar. Would posting the request to a
forum might be helpful?
On 19/06/2015 1:53 AM, "address@hidden" wrote: