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Re: 'lk' undefined in OpenTLD
From: |
address@hidden |
Subject: |
Re: 'lk' undefined in OpenTLD |
Date: |
Wed, 24 Jun 2015 23:00:03 +0900 (JST) |
--- address@hidden wrote:
> Hello,
> I am using:
> -Windows 7, 64
> -GNU Octave, version 4.0.0
> This is the code that is executed to compile the .cpp files into mex-files,
> because I am on a PC and I am using Octave and not Matlab:
> "if ispc
> disp('PC');
> include = ' -Ic:\opencv2411\build\include\opencv\
> -Ic:\opencv2411\build\include\';
> libpath = 'c:\opencv2411\build\x64\vc10\lib\';
> files = dir([libpath '*.lib']);
> lib = [];
> if exist('OCTAVE_VERSION','builtin')
> disp('octave');
> for i = 1:length(files),
> file = files(i).name;
> ind = index(file,'.');
> file = substr(file, 1, ind - 1);
> lib = [lib ' -l' file];
> end
> %disp(lib);
> eval(['mex -v' include ' -L' libpath ' lk.cpp' lib]);
> mex -c tld.cpp
> mex fern.cpp tld.o
> mex linkagemex.cpp
> mex bb_overlap.cpp
> mex warp.cpp
> mex distance.cpp
> end
> end"
> In the commande window, there is:
> "᩻PC
> octave
> warning: implicit conversion from numeric to char
> warning: called from
> compile at line 41 column 11
> Compilation finished."
> In the mex repository, there is all this:
> <http://octave.1599824.n4.nabble.com/file/n4671192/mex_repository.png>
> Then I want to run my main programm and it call a few functions, that call
> other functions etc. And the function "lk" is called. But it seems not to
> work. I think it is because there is no lk.mex, but I don't know why.
> It may also be, because the lk mex-function is defined that way:
> void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
> So I suppose it should have 4 arguments. But it is called like this when the
> error occures:
> lk(0);
from the include information. you need to install opencv development kit.
i do not know about opencv. you have to consult with who knows opencv.