This is my first time emailing the mailing list. I am an EE student and have some interest in contributing to octave in the future.
I am having difficulty getting the datenum (Octave 4.0.0 windows 8.1) function in Octave to behave as I think it should, or at least how it behaves in Matlab.
Here is the line of code that I have:
tcmTime = datenum(testData{6},'mm/dd/yy HH.MM.SS.FFF');
here is a sample from testData{6}(1,:) = 06/29/15
In Matlab this above line works exactly how I expect and I am able to plot my time series as shown in the matlab.jpg image attached. However When I run the same script in octave the datenum conversion seems to go wrong and i get the output as shown in octave.jpg.
I would appreciate any incite in how to get the current datenum function to work. I suspect it has something to do with my data being at 3Hz and maybe datenum doesn't do well with milliseconds?
If this is a fundamental issue with datenum could work be done to add this functionality?
Thank You!