Hey Everybody,
I am a working on a new economic model.I have tried to write the codes to
solve this DSGE model in Octave and find the steady state for using next in
Dynare. But I ran the program this morning and after 6 hours, it is still
working without any change! Is there anybody who can tell me what is
happening? what is the meaning of this? Does it mean there is no solution
for this problem? I put the source and the picture of the last line of
octave here.
Also octave always warns me by " warning: Using rat() heuristics for
double-precision input (is this what you wanted?)" , what is the meaning of
octave.jpg <http://octave.1599824.n4.nabble.com/file/n4671705/octave.jpg>
exam4.m <http://octave.1599824.n4.nabble.com/file/n4671705/exam4.m>