On 25 Sep 2015, at 21:58, Tung Nguyen <address@hidden> wrote:
Thanks a lot for your input Carlo and Olaf! qsub will give me the computed nodes with
their associated CPUs name. But it's seemed that they all have the same names as in my
first post. I will have to dig further into this to find out how I can access individual
CPUs and use them together with "parallel" package
It really depends on what functions you intend to use from the parallel package.
If you want to use "pararrayfun" and/or "parcellfun", for example, those only
if all processes run on the same multiprocessor machine, so all you need to do
make sure that the processes you start via qsub are all run on the same machine.
This is usually done in torque by specifying that you request multiple processes
but only one node, for example to run 16 processes on one node you would write
something similar in youre launch script:
#PBS -S /bin/bash
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1