I think I am doing something wrong, can you provide specific help?
I don't know how to call this function from the command window to test it or how else can
I test it, usually I do testing in the small before I write unit tests, possibly using other frameworks.
See attached source code and data that was taken from
function getData (filename)
fid = fopen(filename);
header = fgetl(fid);
y = zeros;
X = zeros(1,num_pixels, * num_pixels)
counter = 0;
eachline = fgetl(fid);
[label, imagedata] = parseline[eachline, num_pixels);
if (counter == 0) {
y = label;
X = imagedata;
} endif
Jonathan Camilleri
Mobile (MT): ++356 7982 7113
address@hiddenPlease consider your environmental responsibility before printing this e-mail.
I usually reply to emails within 2 business days. If it's urgent, give me a call.