Dear Octave users,
I have a small problem using octave. I would like to change color of the title of my plot. There are two parts, one in red one in blue for example, but the result that I get is always black. Octave does not diisplay any error or warning. I save the result file on .png format. Here is how I deal with color change in the title :
titre=sprintf('Error X_{c} : {\\color{blue}m=%.0f mm s=%.0f mm} | {\\color{red}m=%.0f mm s=%.0f}',m1,s1,m2,s2); t1=title(titre);
I also tried like this (latex):
titre=sprintf('Error X_{c} : \\color{blue}{m=%.0f mm s=%.0f mm} | \\color{red}{m=%.0f mm s=%.0f}',m1,s1,m2,s2); t1=title(titre);
Thanks in advance for your help.
Mehdi DAAKIR------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Doctorant, Ingénieur en Géomatique
Spécialité : Photogrammétrie & Géodésie------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------