I'm using centos 6.7
I installed octave from source using the following method.
I edited it a little and am attaching the result of my editing
I then ran rpmbuild -ba octave-4.0.0.spec
then I installed all the rpms that came with it.
After that I wanted to run ode45 and found I needed to install odepkg to do so.
I found this page describing how to install and check packages installed
so I ran
pkg install -forge <packagename>
odepkg and
> pkg list
Package Name | Version | Installation directory
general | 2.0.0 | /usr/share/octave/packages/general-2.0.0
linear-algebra | 2.2.2 | /usr/share/octave/packages/linear-algebra-2.2.2
missing-functions *| 1.0.2 | /usr/share/octave/packages/missing-functions-1.0.2
multicore *| 0.2.15 | /usr/share/octave/packages/multicore-0.2.15
odebvp *| 1.0.6 | /usr/share/octave/packages/odebvp-1.0.6
odepkg | 0.8.5 | /usr/share/octave/packages/odepkg-0.8.5
shows the installed packages
now when I try following an example of using ode45 from here
I can build the function dr_gravi
I can build the initialVector, StartT and StopT
but when I get here
[T,Result] = ode45( @dr_gravi,[StartT, StopT], initialVector)
I get
octave:9> StopT = 0.7 %s
StopT = 0.70000
octave:10> [T,Result] = ode45( @dr_gravi,[StartT, StopT], initialVector)
warning: Octave provides lsode for solving differential equations. For more
information try `help lsode'. Matlab-compatible ODE functions are
provided by the odepkg package. See
contribute missing functionality.
warning: called from
__unimplemented__ at line 524 column 5
error: 'ode45' undefined near line 1 column 13
As if it doesn't understand ode45 Do I need to do something to get it to load these functions?