I think I am missing something as I try to read a CSV file to a matrix of some sort.
>> addpath('C:\Users\slyth_000\Downloads\temp\M.Sc\data-sets\eurofxref')
>> x = csvread('eurofxref.csv')
error: dlmread: unable to open file 'eurofxref.csv'
error: called from
csvread at line 34 column 5
>> help csvread
'csvread' is a function from the file C:\Octave\Octave-4.0.0\share\octave\4.0.0\m\io\csvread.m
-- Function File: X = csvread (FILENAME)
-- Function File: X = csvread (FILENAME, DLM_OPTS)
Read the comma-separated-value file FILENAME into the matrix X.
This function is equivalent to
X = dlmread (FILENAME, "," , ...)
See also: csvwrite, dlmread, dlmwrite.
Additional help for built-in functions and operators is
available in the online version of the manual. Use the command
'doc <topic>' to search the manual index.
Help and information about Octave is also available on the WWW
http://www.octave.org and via the
address@hiddenmailing list.