On Apr 14, 2016, at 11:29 AM, Alexander Hansen < address@hidden> wrote:
Thank you Marius.
Le 14/04/2016 12:47, Marius Schamschula a écrit :
Under MacPorts octave-devel-release gives you octave 4.0.1.
I haven’t tried it, but posts by users indicate that recent releases are also available with Homebrew.
I’m able to build on Yosemite using FInk for dependencies (but have not created a Fink package. If you’d prefer a Fink solution let me know.
I haven’t had a lot of time, but I’d be able to help out with a Fink option, too. Ideally, I’d like to hand Octave and its related packages off to somebody else who has more time to devote to it. -- Alexander Hansen, Ph.D. Fink User Liaison
Hi Alex,
The big problem with Octave on Mac OS X is lack of Omesa. I expect if Qt4 for X11 is used instead of the native version, then Omesa will work as well too.