Dear Sir or Madam,
I am using Octave on a Linux (Ubuntu) operating system. Since I am new to Linux
my following question might be trivial and possibly unnecessary. Still, I hope
to get an answer from you.
I started using octave on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS where I could launch Octave directly from the
Terminal AND work in the very same Terminal, i.e., the terminal where I launched Octave
was at the same time my workspace! At the same time also, I had the GUI which I could
open if I pleased doing so. Now, I upgraded Ubuntu 14.04 LTS to the newly released stable
version 16.04 LTS, and now, if I am typing "~$: octave" in the terminal the GUI
opens, i.e., I cannot use the terminal as my workspace anymore. I have started missing
this feature, and I was wondering whether I could retrieve this feature somehow by a
corresponding change of the settings?
I look forward to hear from you!