>From: Jeffrey Tsang
>To: Nicholas Jankowski
>Cc: Tatsuro MATSUOKA ; help
>Date: 2016/5/25, Wed 20:13
>Subject: Re: Octave 4.0.1 CTRL-C questions
>Right after I replied to Matsuoka-san, I managed to crash Octave CLI. My script was displaying a long list of numbers and paused at the 'less' prompt. Then I press CTRL-C twice attempting to quit the script. Octave then crashes on the third CTRL-C. The Windows 'cmd' window stays there. I have no way to close it.
>I notice the less.exe process is still in my Task Manager. Only if I kill that less.exe, the Windows 'cmd' window closes and disappears. If you look at the window title of that 'cmd' window, it says 'C:\Octave\Octave-4.0.1\bin\octave-gui.exe'.
Can you give us a script (and data if necessary) by which other people test whether it is reproducible?
You can use an attachment file but there is a limitation of size.
I recommend the script compressed in zip if it is fairly large.
If the mailing list refuse an attachment file even if it is compressed,
please send it me by private mail.
I can upload it on my web site for testing by other people.
But I have leave here. I will do it on tomorrow.