I am trying to come up with a way to draw a 3d arrow (line+ cone tip), and label it using greek characters that are properly rendered in a pdf file. For the second part, Dmitri showed how to use a cairo GNUTERM to produce greek characters that are identical in both the window image as well as the pdf file.
The problem is that gnuplot doesn't have a robust hidden line algorithm, as Ben has pointed out. This makes it impossible in most cases for gnuplot to produce an arrow with a conic head as for instance in the following:
plot3([-1 0.1],[0 0],[0 0],'k','linewidth',2);
hold on
% cone tip
n = 20;
phi = linspace (0, 2*pi, n+1);
idx = 1:11;% 10 steps along axis of revolution
[phi, idx] = meshgrid (phi, idx);
size(phi);% 11 by 21
z = scale*(idx - 1)/10;%range 0->0.5
r=scale*(10:-1:0);r = r(idx);%makes r 11 by 21
[x, y] = pol2cart (phi, r);
surf (z,x,y);%points toward +x
colormap(0.9*[1 1 1;1 1 1]);
I have attached gnuplot-cairo.pdf where the greek character looks fantastic, but part of the line is hidden by the cone, and qt.pdf where the line is fine, but the greek character is not rendered properly.