>This has been discussed many times and AFAIK the consents was that
>linking GNU Octave to the nonfree cuBlas library violates the GPL
>although you find some tutorials
>-- Andy
Nothing violates GPL if the linked code is not being distributed (see the GPL FAQ).
Furthermore, copying code from one computer to another inside the same organization is NOT considered to code distribution according to the GPL FAQ.
So, "just do it". I.e. replace FFTW with CUDA equivalent, and BLAS with cuBLAS and use it in the comfort of yor home or organization.
Does anyone know if openCL is a different use case? I have some JoCL based convolution methods that run on my nVidia, I am interested to integrate those with Octave. I'll be happy to distribute them too, as long as they don't violate relveant licensing agreements.