I see it on both 4.0.3 and recent dev version. Only with qt backend
(never with fltk). It is not 100% reproducible.
plot(1:10) ; # More complex plots like sombrero() might be better
# No try with different Xsize and Ysize. The "fun" starts when
# either of them exceeds the size of the physical screen.
# png or eps
print ("-SXsize, Ysize", "t.eps","-depsc")
Essentially, sometimes the figure gets clipped to the screen size.
(attached is the outputs of
octave:1> plot(randn(10))
octave:2> print("-S4000,4000","qt4000.eps", "-depsc")
octave:3> print("-S2000,2000","qt2000.eps", "-depsc")
on a computer with 1920x1200 screen.
Also notice that the size and the location of the on-screen plot
On the computer with non-intel graphics the clipped plots sometimes
obviously corrupted.