On Mon, Jan 30, 2017 at 9:32 PM, Thomas D. Dean <address@hidden> wrote:
Looking at get_forge_pkg.m, line 72, it appears that setdiff(name,n) is
called and n is not defined.
The 'else' clause at lines 70 thru 74 is meant to handle the situation where
name is not known to forge. This should provide a hint for cases like
pkg -forge install symbolicz
and should ask if you meant symbolic.
I do not have a complete fix, but, the regexp at line 66 should read
t=regexp (html, "<h3 class=""package_name"" id=""(\\w+)"">", "tokens");
due to changes in http://packages.octave.org/packages.php. Trying to pick
apart a web page to provide a hint is not reliable since the maintainer of
the web page can not know where is may be parsed.
Since n is not defined at line 72, I don't know what was intended.
Any ideas?
Help-octave mailing list
We are trying to pump some effort on pkg this year, would you report
this to the traker, if you haven't done that yet?
Definitely update is something to improve considerably.
Maybe that line was trying to remove package names that weren't in the
online list.