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Re: R: Issue in installing Pm
From: |
Tatsuro MATSUOKA |
Subject: |
Re: R: Issue in installing Pm |
Date: |
Thu, 9 Mar 2017 12:03:49 +0900 (JST) |
>>> Dear Help Octave,
>>> I have been trying to install Pmtk3 in Octave but I keep receiving the
>> message below:
>>> Iteration FunEvals Step Length Function Val Opt Cond
>>> 1 2 6.75744e-001 6.42259e+000 3.08556e-001
>>> error: 'lbfgsC' undefined near line 527 column 25
>>> error: called from
>>> minFunc at line 527 column 23
>>> logregFit at line 139 column 45
>>> logregL2FitTest at line 20 column 8
>>> testPmtk3 at line 61 column 1
>>> Does anyone know what to do in this case?
>>> Look Forward
>>> Best
>>> Michele
>> Your question is difficult to answer due to inadequate information.
>> Clarify the below
>> 1. Octave environments
>> platform (windows 10, ubunutu 16.04 etcs)
>> version of octave (4.0.0, 4.2.1 etcs)
>> 2. Way of install of Pmtk3
>> 3. octave command or script you tried.
>> Tatsuro
> Seem to be related to
> lbfgsC cannot be found #79
> https://github.com/probml/pmtk3/issues/79
> Workaround is described the above
> However, lbfgs seem not to implemented on octave nor matlab.
> You seem to have build the below by yourself.
> https://jp.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/15061-matlab-interface-f
> or-l-bfgs-b/content/lbfgsb-for-matlab/README.html
Thanks for reply
I tried to trace what you did on octave-4.2.1 64bit on windows 10 home.
>> initPmtk3
initializing pmtk3
error: run initPmtk3Octave instead
error: called from
initPmtk3 at line 17 column 5
So I run initPmtk3Octave instead.
Then I executed
>> testPmtk3
Checking initialization..........PASSED
Checking pmtkSupport packages....PASSED
Checking pmtkData................warning: load: 'C:\pmtk3\data\crabs\crabs.mat'
found by searching load path
warning: pmtk3 has not yet been made fully octave compliant
Testing selected code............
Iteration FunEvals Step Length Function Val Opt Cond
1 2 6.75744e-001 6.42259e+000 3.08556e-001
error: 'lbfgsC' undefined near line 527 column 25
error: called from
minFunc at line 527 column 23
logregFit at line 139 column 45
logregL2FitTest at line 20 column 8
testPmtk3 at line 61 column 1
I saw the same error as you described.
As I wrote in second reply, this problem is the same as
lbfgsC cannot be found #79
But the above is mere work around
Correct way is to build lbfgsC.mex from lbfgsC.c in
>> cd C:\pmtk3\pmtksupportCopy\markSchmidt-9march2011\markSchmidt\minFunc
>> mex lbfgsC.c
Confirm lbfgsC.mex is generated in
And execute testPmtk3 again
>> cd C:\pmtk3
>> testPmtk3
Checking initialization..........PASSED
Checking pmtkSupport packages....PASSED
Checking pmtkData................warning: load: 'C:\pmtk3\data\crabs\crabs.mat'
found by
searching load path
warning: pmtk3 has not yet been made fully octave compliant
Testing selected code............
Iteration FunEvals Step Length Function Val Opt Cond
1 2 6.75744e-001 6.42259e+000 3.08556e-001
2 3 1.00000e+000 6.31963e+000 1.27336e-001
3 5 4.50069e-001 6.31343e+000 3.40558e-002
4 6 1.00000e+000 6.31267e+000 1.22561e-002
5 7 1.00000e+000 6.31257e+000 6.20464e-004
6 8 1.00000e+000 6.31257e+000 1.07863e-005
Directional Derivative below progTol
low = 23.571
high = 28.854
warning: implicit conversion from numeric to char
warning: called from
randraw>validateParam at line 4120 column 21
randraw at line 3541 column 26
newcombDemo at line 33 column 5
testPmtk3 at line 62 column 1
warning: implicit conversion from numeric to char
warning: called from
randraw>validateParam at line 4120 column 21
randraw at line 1177 column 21
randraw at line 3548 column 32
newcombDemo at line 33 column 5
testPmtk3 at line 62 column 1
warning: implicit conversion from numeric to char
warning: called from
randraw>validateParam at line 4120 column 21
randraw at line 1672 column 26
randraw at line 1180 column 30
randraw at line 3548 column 32
newcombDemo at line 33 column 5
testPmtk3 at line 62 column 1
trueModel LL: -172.456
emModel LL: -156.393
warning: function name 'normalize' does not agree with function filename
warning: called from
viterbi_path at line 54 column 19
hmmMap at line 22 column 6
hmmDiscreteTest at line 38 column 24
testPmtk3 at line 68 column 2
trueModelViterbiError = 0.57000
trueModelMaxMargError = 0.52000
emModelViterbiError = 0.55000
emModelMaxMargError = 0.55000
warning: load: 'C:\pmtk3\data\knnClassify3c\knnClassify3c.mat' found by
searching load pa
error: errorbar: data argument 5 must be numeric
error: called from
__errplot__ at line 40 column 7
errorbar at line 181 column 10
knnClassifyDemo at line 141 column 1
testPmtk3 at line 69 column 1
error: 'lbfgsC' undefined near line 527 column 25
was disappeared but another error is appeared.
errorbar error occur in C:\pmtk3\demos\knnClassifyDemo.m
This seems to come from incompatibility of errorbar function between octave and
Change code in C:\pmtk3\demos\knnClassifyDemo.m
errorbar(ndx, mu, se, 'ko-','linewidth', 2, 'MarkerSize', 12);
errh=errorbar(ndx, mu, se, 'ko-');
set(errh,'linewidth', 2, 'MarkerSize', 12);
testPmtk3 runs successfully.
As in the warning, pmtk3 has not yet been made fully octave compliant so that
limitation or workaround is required.