Many thanks again. I completely agree to stick with the specified behavior. I have modified my script as follows:
clear all;
function N = single_thread (arg)
b = pararrayfun (nproc, @single_thread, [1:5], "UniformOutput", false);
which works (you already knew that), size(b) returns 1 5, even though for instance b[1,1] has four elements. If b was an array, it would be 4 by 5, so it must be a cell. It must be clear to you by now I dont understand cells.
I will learn about cells and use what you have given me for my real problem.
I notice that on it doesnt say much about the three options (Chunks Per Proc, UniformOutput and Vectorized), although the examples give some info? Would you like me to expand the documentation (the answers would have to come from you), or is there any other way I could contribute? This seems such an important (and unique) feature of octave.