I have had trouble posting on Nabble's Octave Forum the past 2 days. I had
this response written Wednesday, but haven't had any luck until now.
Colin Macdonald-2 wrote
I filed a bug to do that: https://github.com/cbm755/octsympy/issues/779.
Since this is fresh on your mind, perhaps you could suggest a short
paragraph for "help subs" perhaps with a simple example?
Another option: we could overload @sym/quiver3.
I am new to Matlab/Octave. I don't know what overloading is. Also, to date
I have never successfully called subs in Octave. The code you guys saw was
my first attempt to do just that. I know next to nothing about the approved
applications for subs. In the above case I attempted copying code I saw
from a MatLab help example. As far as a simple example, I would be honored
to help!!!!
The following code will produce the same vector field plot as Figure 1.14
from Example 1.6 (pg. 39) from A Student's Guide to Maxwell's Equations by
Dr. Daniel Fleisch. Beware that this code is somewhat custom tailored to
this particular example.
pkg load symbolic;
syms x y
vector = [sin(pi*y ./ 2); -sin(pi*x ./ 2)];
iComponent = function_handle(vector(1,1));
jComponent = function_handle(vector(2,1));
[X,Y] = meshgrid([-.5:.05:.5]);