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From: "ma`en al-zu`bi" <
Date: May 11, 2017 6:51 PM
Subject: Re: rewrite code from matlab to octave
To: "Nicholas Jankowski" <
dear Nicholas Jankowski
thanks for answering me,
the error in mainFNC, already I built the GUI in octave by (UICONTROL).
please finds the attached I sent to you the code in Matlab and in octave.
if you can see inside the files and tell me how can I define the GUI in octave
On Thursday, May 11, 2017 10:22 PM, Nicholas Jankowski <address@hidden> wrote:
Sorry I realized I forgot to include the help list on my last reply to you. I have included the attachments here. Unfortunately I do not know much about how to create a GUI, so I'm unable to help you. Perhaps someone else on the list can