On 06/19/2017 04:55 AM, Francesco
Potortì wrote:
While I prefer bottom posting myself, and use it almost exclusively for
my personal and professional communication, and while bottom posting is
the standard on this list, please note that it only makes sense if you
trim the messages you answer to.
Thank you for writing this Public Service Announcement. It is well
spoken, and worth keeping around to revisit when the busy life
stands in the way of careful editing we all know we should engage
in. This is not only for the sake of others: I find that judicious
editing of the quotes help me write, by organizing the thought and
writing process.
BTW, at the risk of being Captain Obvious, I remind that most email
clients, including the mobile ones, do the right thing if you
drag-mark the relevant pieces of the mail you're responding to: they
include only the marked pieces and position the cursor below them
rather than at the default top.