## Copyright (C) 2006 Quentin Spencer
## 2017 Ionescu Vlad
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
## the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
## Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
## version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
## FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
## details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
## this program; if not, see .
## -*- texinfo -*-
## @deftypefn {Function File} address@hidden =} firls (@var{n}, @var{f}, @var{a})
## @deftypefnx {Function File} address@hidden =} firls (@var{n}, @var{f}, @var{a}, @var{k})
## @deftypefnx {Function File} address@hidden =} firls (@var{n}, @var{f}, @var{a}, @var{ftype})
## @deftypefnx {Function File} address@hidden =} firls (@var{n}, @var{f}, @var{a}, @var{f2})
## @deftypefnx {Function File} address@hidden =} firls (@var{n}, @var{f}, @var{a}, @var{k}, @var{ftype})
## @deftypefnx {Function File} address@hidden =} firls (@var{n}, @var{f}, @var{a}, @var{ftype}, @var{f2})
## FIR filter design using least squares method. Returns a length @var{n}+1
## linear phase filter such that the integral of the weighted mean
## squared error in the specified bands is minimized.
## b = firls (@var{n}, @var{f}, @var{a}) creates a type I or II FIR with unity
## weights.
## b = firls (@var{n}, @var{f}, @var{a}, @var{k}) creates weighted types I and
## II FIRs.
## b = firls (@var{n}, @var{f}, @var{a}, @var{ftype}) creates all types of FIRs,
## differentiators, or Hilbert transformers, all with unity weights.
## b = firls (@var{n}, @var{f}, @var{a}, @var{f2}) creates types I and II FIRs
## with 1/f^2 weighting.
## b = firls (@var{n}, @var{f}, @var{a}, @var{k}, @var{ftype}) creates all
## types of FIRs, differentiators. Hilbert transformers can also be made, but
## the weights do not count.
## b = firls (@var{n}, @var{f}, @var{a}, @var{ftype}, @var{f2}) creates all
## types of FIRs, differentiators, and Hilbert transformers with 1/f^2
## weighting.
## The vector @var{f} specifies the frequencies of the band edges, normalized
## so that half the sample frequency is equal to 1. Each band is specified by
## two frequencies, so the vector must have an even length.
## The vector @var{a} specifies the amplitude of the desired response at each
## band edge.
## The optional argument @var{k} is a weighting function that contains one
## value for each band that weights the mean squared error in that band. When
## not specified, it means the weights are one across all bands. It cannot be
## used together with @var{f2}.
## Also optional is @var{ftype}, of type string, which can be either null, '',
## or one of 'd', 'differentiator', 'h', 'Hilbert', or 'hilbert'. When
## specified, it will create a type III or IV FIR, which can also be a
## differentiator or a Hilbert transformer.
## The last optional argument is @var{f2}, which cannot be used together with
## @var{k}, specifies 1/f^2 weighting. It is the default option for
## differentiators, but not for the rest.
## @var{a} must be the same length as @var{f}, and @var{k} must be half the
## length of @var{f}. @var{n} can be odd or even, and the resulting filters do
## not increment the order behind the curtains in order to adjust the filter to
## a proper method. For example, a type II highpass is perfectly achievable,
## but the price to pay is the zero at Nyquist. The same goes for every other
## combination. It is up to the user to know what he or she wants, and how to
## achieve it.
## Examples with default (unity) weights:
## 30th order, type I highpass:
## h = firls (30, [0, 0.3, 0.4, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1]);
## 31st order, type II lowpass:
## h = firls (31, [0, 0.3, 0.4, 1], [1, 1, 0, 0]);
## 64th order, type III bandstop:
## h = firls (64, [0, 0.3, 0.4, 0.7, 0.8, 1], [1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1]);
## 65st order, type IV bandpass:
## h = firls (51, [0, 0.3, 0.4, 0.7, 0.8, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0]);
## 48th order multiband:
## h = firls (48, [0, 0.3, 0.4, 0.6, 0.7, 0.9], [0, 1, 0, 0, 0.5, 0.5], 'h');
## Examples with weights:
## 42nd and 43rd order differentiators:
## h = firls (42, [0, 0.3, 0.4, 1], [0, 0.3, 0, 0]*pi, 'd');
## h = firls (43, [0, 0.3, 0.4, 1], [0, 0.3, 0, 0]*pi, [30, 1], 'd');
## 49th and 50th order Hilbert transformers:
## h = firls (49, [0.1, 1.0], [1, 1], 'h'); # note the 1 at Nyquist
## h = firls (50, [0.1, 0.9], [1, 1], 10, 'h');
## Oddities:
## 26th order, type IV weighted lowpass:
## h = firls (26, [0, 0.3, 0.4, 1], [1, 1, 0, 0], [1, 26], 'h'); # or 'd'
## 25th order, type II and IV highpass
## h = firls (25, [0, 0.3, 0.4, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1]);
## h = firls (25, [0, 0.3, 0.4, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1], 'h');
## 35th order, type II and type IV bandstop:
## h = firls (35, [0, 0.3, 0.4, 0.7, 0.8, 1], [1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1], [1, 10, 1]);
## h = firls (35, [0, 0.3, 0.4, 0.7, 0.8, 1], [1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1], [1, 10, 1], 'h');
## The least squares optimization algorithm for computing FIR filter
## coefficients is derived in detail in:
## I. Selesnick, "Linear-Phase FIR Filter Design by Least Squares,"
## http://cnx.org/content/m10577
## @end deftypefn
function h = firls (N, F, A, varargin);
## Nr or arguments must be 3, 4, or 5
narginchk (3, 5);
## Order must be a one one element vector...
if (length (N) != 1)
error ("The order (N) must be a vector of size 1.")
## ...and proper valued
if ((N <= 0) || ischar (N))
error ("The order (N) must be positive definite.")
## Handle the possible cases
oddN = mod (N, 2);
## Three arguments => types I and II FIRs, unity weights
if (nargin == 3)
K = ones (size (F(1:2:end)));
fType = 0;
f2 = 0;
## Four arguments
if (length (varargin) == 1)
if (ischar (varargin{1})) # diff or HT
K = ones (size (F(1:2:end)));
switch (varargin{1}) # check that ftype is a proper char
case {"h" "Hilbert" "hilbert"}
fType = 1;
f2 = 0;
case {"d" "differentiator"}
fType = 1;
f2 = 1;
case {"f2"}
fType = 0;
f2 = 1;
else # type I or II FIR
K = varargin{1};
fType = 0;
f2 = 0;
## Full spec
if (length (varargin) == 2)
if (isnumeric (varargin{1})) # make sure K is a number
K = varargin{1};
if(strcmp (varargin{2}, "h") || strcmp (varargin{2}, "Hilbert") || ...
strcmp (varargin{2}, "hilbert") || strcmp (varargin{2}, "d") || ...
strcmp (varargin{2}, "differentiator"))
fType = 1;
error ("'ftype' must be one of 'h', 'Hilbert', 'd', or 'differentiator'")
f2 = 0;
else # check whether it's 'fType' or 'f2' (or not)
if (strcmp (varargin{2}, "h") || strcmp (varargin{2}, "Hilbert") || ...
strcmp (varargin{2}, "hilbert") || strcmp (varargin{2}, "d") || ...
strcmp (varargin{2}, "differentiator"))
fType = 1;
f2 = 1; # if it's 'fType', the 2nd can only be 'f2'
error ("'ftype' must be one of 'h', 'Hilbert', 'd', or 'differentiator'")
## Check the lengths of the vectors
if (length (F) != length (A))
error ("The sizes of the frequency and magnitude vectors must be equal.")
if ((length (varargin) >= 1) && ! ischar (varargin{1}) && ...
(length (varargin{1}) != length (F)/2))
error ("The length of the weights vector must be half the length of the frequencies', or the amplitudes'.")
if (rem (length (F), 2) || rem (length (A), 2))
error ("The frequency and weight vectors must have an even size greater than or equal to 2.")
## Lengths alright? Check for correctness.
if (sum (diff (F) <= 0))
error ("The frequencies must be strictly increasing.")
if ((F(1) < 0) || (F(end) > 1))
error ("The frequencies must lie in the interval [0..1], with 1 being Nyquist.")
if ((length (F) != 2) && ((F(1) != 0) || (F(end) != 1)))
error ("The frequency vector must start at 0 and end with 1.")
N = fix (N); # silently consider the integer part of N
## Make sure the vectors are columns
A = A(:)';
F = F(:)';
## Make K the same length as F and A, to avoid indexing with floor((i+1)/2.
## Also make it alternating signs, to avoid the need of (-1)^n later on.
K = [-abs(K); abs(K)](:)';
## Prepare a few helpers
M = floor (N/2);
bands = length (F);
w = F*pi;
A0 = fType*(1 - oddN);
pi2 = pi/2;
i1 = 1:2:bands;
i2 = 2:2:bands;
## Non-zero band check. Note: this doesn't work for Hilbert transformer.
bandTest = A(i1) + A(i2);
bandTest = [bandTest; bandTest](:)';
## Using 1/f^2 weighting means starting from the definition of q with W = 1/w^2
## and, with the help of Stegun's Handbook of Mathematical Functions, wxMaxima,
## and Wolframalpha:
## ,-
## / cos(n*pi*f) cos(n*pi*f)
## / ------------- df = -n*pi*Si(n*pi*f) - ------------- + C
## / f*f f
## -'
## where Si(x) is the sine integral. In Octave, expint() is defined, so:
## Si(x) = imag(expint(1i*x)) + pi/2
## Ci(x) = -real(expint(1i*x))
## Calculate q
n = (0:N+2*A0)'; # make it column vector from the start
q = zeros (size (n));
## Matlab uses 1/f^2 weighting only in the passband(s)
## FIXME the two for loops can be merged at the cost of having for(if()), which
## whould be worse than if(for()), but which takes up more code, same for the
## b vector below; worth it?
ghostTweak = 4; # FIXME empirically determined. WHY?!
## FIXME if (for (if (if ())))...?
if (f2) # 1/f^2 weighting
for (m = 1:bands)
if (bandTest(m)) # 1/f^2 weighting
if (m == 1) # take care of F(1)=0
q -= 0.0;
q -= ghostTweak*K(m)*(-pi*n.*(imag(E1(1i*n*w(m))) + pi2) - ...
q -= K(m)*F(m)*sinc(n*F(m));
for (m = 1:bands)
q += K(m)*F(m)*sinc(n*F(m));
## Use q to build the Q matrix
Q = toeplitz(q(1:M+1-A0)) + ...
(-1)^fType*hankel(q(1+oddN+2*A0 : M+1+oddN+A0), q(M+1+oddN+A0 : N+1));
## In the same way q was derived, for the b vector, D(w) is a piecewise linear
## function, so it can be approximated as ax+b. The derivation is shown for
## sine, it's similar for cosine (needed only for types I and II):
## ,-
## / (a*f + b)*sin(n*pi*f)
## / ----------------------- df = a*Si(n*pi*f) +
## / f*f
## -' _ _
## | sin(n*pi*f) |
## b*| pi*n*Ci(n*pi*f) - ------------- | + C
## |_ f _|
## and ax+b is the linear interpolation of A and F vectors:
## A[n+1] - A[n]
## ---------------*(x - F[n]) + A[n]
## F[n+1] - F[n]
## Adapted from original firls.m to include all types (I - IV) of filters.
n = (A0+0.5*oddN : M+0.5*oddN)'; # make column vector from the start
if (oddN)
n2 = n;
n3 = n;
n2 = n(2:end);
n3 = [1; n(2:end)];
## First check for 1/f^2, even if the order looks awkward, because the expint
## only needs to be calculated once, then picked apart with real() and imag().
## FIXME if (for (if (if ())))...?
if (f2) # 1/f^2 weighting
sc = zeros (size (n));
dif = zeros (size (n));
tmp = zeros (size (n));
for (m = 1:bands) # passband only
l = m - 1 + mod (m, 2);
if (bandTest(m)) # apply 1/f^2 weighting in the passband, only
slope = (A(l+1) - A(l))/(F(l+1) - F(l));
intercept = -slope*F(m) + A(m);
if (m == 1) # take care of F(1)=0
## It seems there's no difference with/without tmp for F(1)=0, so just
## consider the singularities for Ci(x) and cos(x)/x as zero. This way
## numerical problems for large numbers are avoided in the case of
## e.g. Ci(1e-6), or cos(1e-6)/1e-6.
sc += -K(m)*intercept*pi*n;
tmp = E1(1.0i*n*w(m));
sc += K(m)*(slope*(imag (tmp) + pi2) + ...
intercept*(pi*n.*(-real (tmp)) - sin(n*w(m))/F(m)));
else # stopband only
AK = A(m)*K(m);
if (! oddN && ! fType) # odd lengths need special treatment
sc += AK*[w(m); sin(n2*w(m))];
dif += AK*[0.5*(w(l)^2 - w(l+1)^2)/(w(l+1) - w(l)); ...
(cos(n2*w(l+1)) - cos(n2*w(l)))./(n2*(w(l+1) - w(l)))];
sc += AK*sin(n*w(m));
dif += AK*(cos(n*w(l+1)) - cos(n*w(l)))./(n*(w(l+1) - w(l)));
b = ghostTweak*(dif + sc);
else # K decides the weighting
sc = zeros (length (n), bands);
dif = zeros (length (n), bands/2);
if(fType) # types III, IV
sc = -cos(n*w);
dif = [sin(n*w(i2)) - sin(n*w(i1))]./(n*(w(i2) - w(i1)));
else # types I, II
if (! oddN) # odd lengths need special treatment
sc = [w; sin(n2*w)];
dif = [0.5*(w(i1).^2 - w(i2).^2)./(w(i2) - w(i1)); ...
(cos(n2*w(i2)) - cos(n2*w(i1)))./(n2*(w(i2) - w(i1)))];
sc = sin(n*w);
dif = (cos(n*w(i2)) - cos(n*w(i1)))./(n*(w(i2) - w(i1)));
b = (kron (dif, [1, 1]) + sc)*(K.*A)(:)./(pi*n3);
## The rest of the algorithm
a = Q\b;
## Form the impulse response
if (oddN)
h = [(-1)^fType*flipud(a); a]';
if (fType)
h = [-flipud(a); 0; a]';
h = [a(end:-1:2); 2*a(1); a(2:end)]';
## Output format tests
%!assert (isrow(firls (2, [0 1], [0 1])), true)
%!assert (isrow(firls (2, [0 1]', [0 1])), true)
%!assert (isrow(firls (2, [0 1], [0 1]')), true)
## Simple output tests
%!assert (firls (2, [0 1], [0 1]), [-0.202642367284676 0.5 ...
%! -0.202642367284676], 1e-12)
## Odd inputs/outputs for Matlab compatibility (tested 2017a)
%!assert (firls (2, [0 1], [0 NaN]), [NaN NaN NaN])
## example outputs from help (Matlab 2017a output as compatibilty reference)
%! h_exp = [0.004692883289037 -0.001638148210099 -0.009818117748803 ...
%! -0.008279878770928 0.006267491160177 0.019589001440355 ...
%! 0.011981223403659 -0.016304094077684 -0.036009199056671 ...
%! -0.015208780440336 0.039191605284185 0.070875665949524 ...
%! 0.017409599342225 -0.125598992122089 -0.283048052488190 ...
%! 0.648476079816521 -0.283048052488190 -0.125598992122089 ...
%! 0.017409599342225 0.070875665949524 0.039191605284185 ...
%! -0.015208780440336 -0.036009199056671 -0.016304094077684 ...
%! 0.011981223403659 0.019589001440355 0.006267491160177 ...
%! -0.008279878770928 -0.009818117748803 -0.001638148210099 ...
%! 0.004692883289037];
%! assert (firls (30, [0, 0.3, 0.4, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1]), h_exp, 1e-12);
%! h_exp = [-0.005720905740853 -0.002460466470903 0.006768372887339 ...
%! 0.011449677106172 0.002115335030575 -0.015052980893358 ...
%! -0.019587090569268 0.000988574373910 0.030184197215666 ...
%! 0.031822381026702 -0.010599661407979 -0.062780478419231 ...
%! -0.057119298177784 0.046167614267891 0.209448476815995 ...
%! 0.333494082295982 0.333494082295982 0.209448476815995 ...
%! 0.046167614267891 -0.057119298177784 -0.062780478419231 ...
%! -0.010599661407979 0.031822381026702 0.030184197215666 ...
%! 0.000988574373910 -0.019587090569268 -0.015052980893358 ...
%! 0.002115335030575 0.011449677106172 0.006768372887339 ...
%! -0.002460466470903 -0.005720905740853];
%! assert (firls (31, [0, 0.3, 0.4, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1]), h_exp, 1e-12);
%! h_exp = [-0.002828246791375 0.001711251658654 0.004799860229854 ...
%! 0.001182404080666 -0.006179077493700 -0.007482898869529 ...
%! 0.001904822063720 0.012629302887583 0.009646993580965 ...
%! -0.008313231005266 -0.021831348312086 -0.010286642826869 ...
%! 0.020206773180341 0.035331365891410 0.008052006077885 ...
%! -0.043136811031309 -0.060371090549335 -0.002049124826782 ...
%! 0.104501818984255 0.173318151075501 0.133710492418112 ...
%! 0 -0.133710492418112 -0.173318151075501 ...
%! -0.104501818984255 0.002049124826782 0.060371090549335 ...
%! 0.043136811031309 -0.008052006077885 -0.035331365891410 ...
%! -0.020206773180341 0.010286642826869 0.021831348312086 ...
%! 0.008313231005266 -0.009646993580965 -0.012629302887583 ...
%! -0.001904822063720 0.007482898869529 0.006179077493700 ...
%! -0.001182404080666 -0.004799860229854 -0.001711251658654 ...
%! 0.002828246791375];
%! assert (firls (42, [0, 0.3, 0.4, 1], [0, 0.3, 0, 0]*pi, 'd'), h_exp, 1e-12);
## Test input validation
%!error firls ()
%!error firls (9)
%!error firls ([1, 2])
%!error firls (9, 1)
%!error firls (9, 1, 2)
%!error firls (9, 1, 2, 3)
%!error firls (9, 1, 2, 3, 4)
%!error firls (9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
%!error firls (9.9)
%!error firls (9, [])
%!error firls (9, [], [])
%!error firls (9, [], [], [])
%!error firls (9, [0 .2 .3 1], [1 2 3])
%!error firls (9, [.2 .5], 1)
%!error firls (9, 1, [1 2])
%!error firls (9, [-.1 .6 .9 1], [1 1 0 0])
%!error firls (-9, [0 .6 .9 1], [1 1 0 0])
%!error firls ('x', [0 .6 .9 1], [1 1 0 0])
%!error firls (9, [0 .3 .6 1.3], [1 1 0 0])
%!error firls (9, [0 .6 .3 1], [1 1 0 0])
%!error firls (9, [0 .3 .6 1], [1 1 0 0], 1)
%!error firls (9, [0 .3 .6 1], [1 1 0 0], 'bla')
%!error firls ("9", [0 .3 .6 1], [1 1 0 0])
%!error firls ()
%!error firls (1)
%!error firls (1, 2)
%!error firls (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)