On Mon, Jul 31, 2017 at 09:21:08AM +0900, Tatsuro MATSUOKA wrote:
I have not tested yet on 4.2 but tested on 4.0.3 (built myself on
lubuntu 16.04) .
pkg install odepkg-0.8.5.tar.gz
pkg list
Package Name | Version | Installation directory
odepkg | 0.8.5 | /home/tatsu/octave/odepkg-0.8.5
pkg load odepkg
and execute>> help ode45
'ode45' is a function from the file /home/tatsu/octave/odepkg-0.8.5/ode45.m
fvdb = @(vt,vy) [vy(2); (1 - vy(1)^2) * vy(2) - vy(1)];
vopt = odeset ("RelTol", 1e-3, "AbsTol", 1e-3, \
"NormControl", "on", "OutputFcn", @odeplot);
ode45 (fvdb, [0 20], [2 0], vopt);
The above works for me.
For me the release segfaults when loading dldsolver.oct into Octave
4.0, so it segfaults already during installation. Apparantly this is
not reproducible everywhere.
I'd still suggest that this release should not be published at OF, in
particular because the hope was vain that these problems are only a
short passing state. But if some _user_ of odepkg has a different
opinion, despite everything told in this thread, I'll publish it